When did Matt find out that Rosa became an eejit?
When Matt ordered a Safe Horse from the stables.
What did Matt find in the large metal chest at the oasis?
A note from Tam Lin, food, bottle of water purification pills, a first-aid kit, a pocketknife, matches, lighter fluid, blanket, cooking utensils, books, and manuals from camping and survival.
What happened when the priest spotted Matt at El Viejo's funeral?
The priest demanded that Matt to leave believed that he did not belong there.
Who actually kills Furball, and when/where does Maria find out?
Felecia kills Furball and admits it in the security room where Maria and Matt eavesdrop on her in the secret passageway.
After Maria reads "The Little Flowers of Saint Francis" and meets Matt at El Viejo's funeral, why does she then forgive him?
Maria realized that like Saint Francis she needed to forgive Matt by letting him being a new day and become a new person, meaning that after his mistakes allow him to become good again.
Who is Felipe?
El Patrón's son who died about eighty years ago.
Who’s wedding does Matt attend to?
Steven and Emilia’s wedding.
During Benito and Fani’s wedding, what did they do to Fani to make her marry Benito?
Drugged Fani so she didn’t know what was happening until she married Benito.
How does Matt and Maria escape from the secret passageway to the hovercraft outside.
Matt and Maria must go to through a passageway designed specifically for El Patrón by recognizing his fingerprints and DNA.
When Matt and Maria arrive on the hovercraft, what is Matt disguised as?
Matt is disguised as Maria’s “eejit pet”.
When Matt left on his Safe Horse after seeing Rosa as an eejit, what does he look for as he travels west to the poppy fields.
Matt looks for Celia’s house, yet found it no longer there.
What does Matt what will happen to him when El Patrón has a heart attack at Steven and Emilia’s wedding?
Matt fears that he will then be used as transplants to give his heart to El Patrón so that El Patrón will live.
How did Celia cause El Patron to die?
She fed Matt athestic. which made his heart unusable for a heart transplant.
When did Matt find out that Matt was going to be used for spare parts?
When he saw McGregor's clone.
What was Matt fed at farm patrol.