
What is the main street in the book?

Mango Street


What is Esperanza's younger sister's nickname?



How had Esperanza grown in the vignette "Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark"?

She had to take care of her siblings while her dad was gone.

She was comforting her dad while he cried.


Why did Rafaela's husband lock her in the house during the day?

He thought she was to bueatiful so he didn't want her to run away.


The quote "Is a good girl, my friend, studies all night and sees the mice" (Page 32) why was Alicia seeing the mice?

She was up late at night a lot when the mice come out.


In the vignette "The First Job" what happened to Esperanza from a fellow coworker?

An old man who worked there was talking to her then he forcefully kissed her.


What mistake did Esperanza's mom make that she doesn't want Esperanza to Make?

She doesn't want Esperanza to drop out of school and get married like she did.


In the vignette "Chanclas" what did she mean when she said the "boy who is a man"?

She started noticing that everybody who used to be little kids around her are now growing older and maturing.


Why was Mamacita confined?

Her husband wouldn't let her leave America and she didn't want to go outside unless she was going back home.


In the vignette "Four Skinny Trees" it says "Let one forget his reason for being, they'd all droop like tulips in a glass" (Page 74-75) what does it mean they all will droop?

If one of them gives up everybody else would fail to.


At the start of the book while in her yard what did the nun say that made Esperanza feel embarrassed?

The nun said "You live there" as if living where she did was a bad thing.


What was Mr. Benny doing that the other adults weren't?

He was looking after the kids trying to make sure they are safe.


In the vignette "The Monkey Garden" why did Esperanza not want to play in the old Garden anymore?

Sally and a couple boys went in the garden and Sally started kissing one of them and Esperanza didn't understand why.


What did Sally do that made it impossible for her to escape?

She decided to marry a man that was controlling to escape from her dad.


The quote "Yes, those are clouds too. Phyllis, Ted, Alfredo and Julie" (Page 36) why was Nenny naming the clouds and the other kids weren't?

Nenny is younger and is more innocent than the other kids.


Why did Esperanza want to eat at school instead of at home?

She didn't want to walk home to go eat lunch and then just come back.


Who is Angel at the start of he book?

He is the kid who wasn't being supervised and her tried to "fly" but failed.


What happened in the vignette "Red Clowns" that made Esperanza act like a child?

She was grabbed by a man, she couldn't get away so she cried and asked Sally for help like a little kid.


How is Ruthie said to be confined?

She is almost trapped in her own mind and she always acts like a child.


In the vignette "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes" it says "I belong but I do not belong to" (Page 110) what does this mean?

It means that she is apart of Mango Street but she does not belong there.


What did Nenny want to buy in the vignette "Gil's Furniture Bought & Sold"?

A music box with flowers on it and a ballerina inside.


How did Esperanza become friends with Lucy and Rachel?

She gave five dollars to them for a bike and in return she became friends with them.


In the vignette "The Family of Little Feet" why did they decide to get rid of the shoes?

Wearing the shoes scared them and they wanted the protection of being an adult.


What happened to Esperanza's great-grandmother?

She was forcefully married and never got to live her life like she wanted.


The quote "They put handcuffs on him and put him in the backseat of the cop car" (Page 25) why was the cousin Louie being arrested?

He stole a car and started speeding around in it.