Houser's Challenge

Greece lies on this Geographic feature that is surrounded by water on three sides.

What is a penisula?


India is one of these, a large landmass but smaller than a continent.

What is a subcontinent?

A product in Ancient China made from the cocoons of worms. It was very labor intensive and valuable, today remains a valuable textile.

What is Silk?


This is a 2-D representation of an area.

What is a map.


A testing strategy where you use the process of elimination to determine a "best guess." You also use things like logic, context clues, and reasoning to come up with one of these.

What is an Educated Guess?


Ancient Greece was divided up into these. Which are small independent political units.

What are City-States or Polises?


Name a river in India.

What is... (Brahmaputra, Indus, and Ganges)


This is the name for the trade route that connected Anceint China to the Medditeranian eventually spanning all the way to Rome.

What is the Silk Road?

This is part of a map that tells you things like scale and the symbols that are used and their meaning. 

A map legend. 


According to then-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, this day would live in infamy  

What is December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor?


He came from wealth and created one of the largest empires in the Ancient World. Known for spreading Greek influence into a conquered Persian Empire.

Who is Alexander the Great?


Name two mountain ranges in India.

What are.... (Himalayas, Hindu Kush, Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats)


This is the term used to describe a ruling family where leardership of the country is passed down within the family. The longest of these being the Zhou.

What is a dynasty?


Name a Country in Europe.

What is "insert counrty name here." 


This war was the world's first "total war", it was known as the war to end all wars.

What is World One?


Athens told him to drink the poison for corrupting the youth.

Who is Socrates?


Name a caste in the caste system.

What is Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, and Dalits = the Untouchables


Name the three major religions/philosophies of Ancient China.

What are Confucianiam, Daoism (Taoism), and Buddhism.


Name Three Countries in Asia.

What are "insert country names here"


A period of time in US history when there was a real fear of Communism, some believed there were communist spies in the highest levels of US government, this event inspired Hollywood and made Hollywood a suspected target of communist influence. 

What is the Red Scare?


Name a way Greek culture has diffused (spread/influenced) modern society.

What is democracy, government, architecture, philosphy, teaching, religious beliefs,....etc?


Describe the Hindu belief of reincarnation and how it relates to the caste system.  

Indians live(d) their lives according to the Dharma if they followed the rules they received good karma and had the opportunity to improve their status if they did not follow the rules they could receive bad karma and could potentially hurt their status.


The Great Wall of China was built to keep these nomadic warriors out. They were known for their skill in warfare and horseback riding. 

Who were the Mongols?


This term is used to describe these 5 major subjects in geography: location, place, movement, human land interactions, Regions.

What are the 5 pillars of geography?


This was the name given to four African American students who nonviolently protested against segration in the South by organizing sit-ins at the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, NC.

Who were the Greensboro Four?