This document is reviewed and signed annually.
What is the Code of Conduct?
What is Saskatchewan Housing Corporation?
Group Insurance provider for dental, health, vision
Who is Canada Life?
Measures progress against established short-term goals and training plans.
What is a Performance Evaluation?
Form "B"
What is the form used to change the HA's FTE/Budget, etc.?
A condition of employment that validates a candidate's background.
What is a criminal record check?
What is Employee and Family Assistance Program?
All permanent employees (full or part-time) must be enrolled in this Plan on their first day of being hired.
Ingrid's email to all in Network - June 2024.
What is the Provincial Employees Pension Plan (PEPP)?
Following PSC increases, SHC determines the annual increases for non-management staff. Increases take effect at the beginning of this month.
What is January?
Sterling Backcheck
What is the online platform used for criminal record checks?
Post in a location accessible to all staff;
review with new staff, annually with all staff and when revisions are made; and
document violent incidents by completing a form and review with supervisor/manager.
What is the Workplace Violence and Prevention Plan Policy?
Who is Living Skies Housing Authority?
3 times basic salary
What is the coverage for basic life insurance?
teamwork, service excellence, problem solving, adaptability to change
What are the Core Housing Network Competencies?
TD1Federal and TD1SK
What are forms used to determine income tax deducted from pay?
social media, games, online discussion groups
What is Information Technology Usage?
Policy 7.16
What is an Enhanced Police Information Check?
119 days
What is the maximum length of sick leave/salary continuance or the waiting period for LTD?
Rating given to an employee whose performance is sound and does good work, always meets position requirements, but sometimes exceeds requirements.
What is a rating of 3 (Meets Expectations)?
6 months
What is the probationary period for non-management employees?
verbal, written, suspension, dismissal/termination
What are the levels of the Corrective Discipline?
Policy 4.11
What is temporary performance of higher duties?
5 weeks
What is the vacation entitlement for an employee after 15 years of service?
This is not a single act or event, but rather a multi-facetted ongoing process throughout the employee’s lifecycle in the workplace.
What is onboarding?
Declaration of a second job
What is conflict of interest?