How long does it take to cook a hard boiled egg?
What is 9-12 minutes
How big is a blue whale?
What is around 30 meters long
How small is a bee hummingbird?
What is 5.5cm beak to tail
How many teeth does the average adult human have?
What is 32
How much of the earth is covered with water?
What is 71%
How long is a standard NBA basketball game?
What is 48 minutes
How big is the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world)?
What is 828 meters
How small is the Vatican City?
What is 0.44 km2
How many hearts does an octopus have?
What is 3
How much does a gallon of water weigh?
What is 3.8kg
How long is the gestation period of an elephant?
What is 22 months
How big is the great barrier reef?
What is 344k km2
How small is the "Stapes" - the smallest bone in the human body?
What is 2.5mm
How many moons does Jupiter have?
What is 79
How much does the average adult human brain weight?
What is 1.4kg
How many hours does the earth take to rotate around the sun?
What is 8,766 hours
How big is the pacific ocean?
What is 165m km2
How small is the smallest computer - The Michigan Micro Mote (M^3)
What is 0.3mm on each side
How many elements are on the periodic table of elements?
What is 118
How much does an average cloud weigh?
What is 500 tones
If you bored a hole through to the centre of the earth and jumped in, how long would it take you to arrive? [Ignoring some annoying physics]
What is 32 hours
If you put all the tea in China, in a single cup, how big would it be?
What is 3k Olympic Sized Swimming Pools? (7.5B liters)
If you took all the daily tasks on earth, distributed them evenly across all humans, how small would each person's attention span be? Assume an 8 second attention spam with 0 tasks.
What is about 4.5 seconds
If you gathered all the tennis balls produced in the last 3 years, and distributed them across all domestic dogs on earth today, how many balls would each pooch get?
What is 1 ball
If you distributed the total wealth on earth, evenly across every human, how much would each person get?
What is about $90k AUD