Who can create a Bill in the Senate?
Any Senator.
What does a committee have to do so the full House or Senate can vote on it?
Report the Bill
Whose job is it to speak to party members and get them to vote or support a Bill?
Party Whip
What is the name of the permanent committees that specialize in certain areas?
Standing Committees
Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?
The Speaker Of The House
What is talking a Bill to death called?
A fillibuster.
what is the term if a committee ignores a Bill and it dies?
Pigeon Hole.
What does a conference committee do?
Select members from the House and the Senate to make both versions of a Bill the same.
How many Senators are there
If a committee ignores a Bill it dies unless the House or the senate files a _______________?
Discharge Postition.
What is the name of the leader of the Senate?
Speaker Pro Tempore.
What does the Rules Committee do? (2 possible answers)
Makes rules for the Bill, decides on debate length, schedules the Bill, can allow amendments.
Whose job is it to vote in the Senate if there is a tie?
The Vice President.
What is the active way a President can kill a Bill?
Veto it.
These committees are temporary and usually created to investigate a concern?
Select Committe.
Why does the House of Rep. limit debate time?
Too many members in the House of Rep.
What can the Senate do to end a fillibuster?
60 Senators can vote for Cloture.
What can Congress still do to pass a bill if the president cancels it?
2/3 of the House and the Senate have to vote in support of it for it to become a law.
What are these groups called that are groups of Congress men and and women that are not involved in acutally passing a Bill.
A caucus.
A Bill becomes a law even if the president does not sign it in how many days?
Who is the Speaker of the House of Rep?
Mike Johnson.
What do Senators have to talk about during a fillibuster?
They can talk about anything.
A president can kill a bill without vetoing it if they refuse to sign a bill and ________________.
Congress adjourns before 10 days.
What is another thing Congress can do that has the force of Law?
A Joint Resolution.
What can be issued by the House and the Senate but doesn NOT have the force of law?
A Concurrent Resolution.