Misc. Problems at School
Problems During Recess
Problems during lunchtime
Is this Tattling or Reporting
Problems in the Classroom

A student pushes another student down on purpose during a game.

(Small or big problem and how to solve it?)

What is a BIG problem - tell an adult because they are being unsafe


Someone is cheating at a recess game. 

(Which Kelso's Choices can you use?)

What is - Go to Another Game or, Tell Them to Stop or, Talk It Out or, Walk Away

(any of these choices work)


Kind of problem when someone cuts in front of you in line to buy hot lunch.

(Is this a BIG or small problem and how would you solve it if it's small?)

What is a small problem and "Tell them to stop" or  "Talk it out" 


You tell a teacher that you saw a student not reading during silent reading time.

What is Tattling. 


You tell the teacher that a student is pretending to be sick. 

(Is this Tattling or Reporting?)

What is tattling.


A student is talking loudly in PE class right next to you when the teacher is talking and you can't hear them.  Small or big problem and how to you solve it? 

What is a small problem and ignore it, tell them to stop nonverbally (so you aren't also talking), or walk away to another location if possible.


Your friends and another group of friends both want to play tetherball at the start of recess and only one is working.    (Is this a BIG or small problem and how would you solve it?)

What is small problem.  Solve it By: "Share & take turns" or "Go to another game" or "Make a deal (like rock, paper, & scissors)"


A student took some food from another student's lunch and it clearly was taken by them since it is missing from the first student's lunch. (Big or small problem and how would you handle it?) 

What is a BIG problem.  It is stealing. - tell an adult

(Every student has a right to not be bothered while eating lunch and stealing is an illegal/unsafe act)


You run to the gym teacher to tell them that a student doesn't want to participate in the game. 

What is Tattling. 


A student is making noises in the class.

(Which Kelso's Choices can you use?)

What is Ignore It, Tell Them to Stop, or Walk away if you are able to. 


A student tells another student that if they report to an adult they will "regret it!".  (small or big problem and how to handle it)

What is a BIG problem and tell an adult

(students are not allowed to make threats to other students)


A student see's another student not following the rules of the game and runs to tell a teacher. 

(Is this tattling or reporting - if tattling how would you handle it?)

What is Tattling and solve it by: Going to another game, walk away or talk it out. 


Kind of problem when a student says you "have to" share your lunch with them.

(Is this a BIG or small problem?)

What is a BIG problem

(make sure to report to a safe adult, every student has the right to eat their lunch without being bothered)


You tell a playground teacher that you saw other students throwing rocks at each other.

What is Reporting.

(remember, you report to keep people safe)


When a student takes your pencil and says they'll hurt you if you report to the teacher.

(Is this a BIG or small problem)

What is a BIG problem

(this is both stealing and making the person feel unsafe, make sure you report to an adult)


A student thinks someone took something from their desk but isn't sure.  (small or big problem and how to solve it?)

What is a small problem because you aren't sure yet.  Talk it out is your best option until the item is found.


A student isn't sharing the playground equipment. 

(Which Kelso's Choices can you use?)

What is - Talk It Out or, Go to Another Game or, Make a Deal

(any of these choices work)


Student is daring another student to throw food. 

(Which Kelso's Choices can you use?)

What is- Ignore them or, Tell Them to Stop

(any of these choices work)


You over hear a student tell another student that they are going to beat them up. You then tell the teacher what you heard.

What is Reporting. 


A student is getting some of their items on your desk or they make a mark on your desk with their pen on accident. 

(is it Tattling or Reporting and how would you handle it)

What is tattling

(It is tattling.  You can ignore it (especially if it happened once) or  tell them to stop and move their items back and clean off the mark if you want to).


A student walks into the restroom and sees another student making a mess on purpose there. (small or big problem and how to handle it?)

What is a BIG problem - tell an adult because it is not respecting our property and making more work for our staff.


You are running around the portables on the playground, and as you turn the corner, you accidentally run into someone and they fall. 

(Which Kelso's Choice should you use?)

What is APOLOGIZE. (You might help them back up to their feet as well)


A student is trying to take another student's food.

(Which Kelso's Choice can you use?)

What is - Tell Them to Stop, if they don't stop make sure you report to a safe adult so they can help

(Remember: when you "Tell Them to Stop", use a strong and respectful voice.)


You tell a teacher that your friend is getting is getting picked on by the same person over and over again and your friend is starting to not feel safe around them. 

What is Reporting.

(remember, you report to keep people safe)


There is a student bothering you in the classroom. You have tried 2 of Kelso's Choices, but the student won't stop. 

(Is this a BIG or small problem?)

What is a BIG problem

(Remember, Kelso's Choices are used to solve small problems. If you tried two of the choices it doesn't work, then problem has become BIG and you should REPORT to a safe adult)