Five different levels
How many levels are there of creativity?
Consciousness, taught and learned
Creativity can be?
Children, adults, students
Changing how you think or trying new ways of doing things
What is flexibility?
What is one positive trait of creative people?
Intuitive expression, academic & technical, inventive, innovative, genius
What are the exact 5 different levels called?
Positive and negative
Encourage, reward, psychological safety, negative thoughts
Switch between different ways of thinking
What is flexibility in creativity?
Students, Children, Adults
What are the best type of creative people?
Flexibility, fluency, originality, elaboration
What the four classic Guilford/Torrance components of creative thinking?
Risk-taking, curious, independent, energetic
What are the positive characteristics for creative people?
Perceptual, emotional, cultural, creative
What are the four types of creative blocks?
reflecting a different stages
How do the levels of creativity shape the creative journey?
Stubbornness, resistance to domination, uncooperativeness
What are the least important characteristics for success for creative people?
The importance of creativity to themselves and society; the nature of creative ideas as in modifications, creating creative abilities, understanding creative processes, and creative thinking techniques.
What are the main topics that be taught about creativity?
Resistance to dominance, stubbornness, uncooperativeness
What are the negative characteristics of creative people
What is the best type of atmosphere for a creative person to work in?
Cannot create work
How do creative blocks impact the creative process?
overly attached to their ideas and work in teams
How are the negative characteristics of creative people, such as stubbornness and uncooperativeness, seen in people?
Live with a more interesting, successful, enjoyable life, there is pressure to conform, not rigid people, use and don't waste talent, and play around with ideas
What are a few of the principles of creative people that should be learned?
Positive characteristics
What characteristic helps a person with their creativity the most?
Psychological Safety
What is a creative atmosphere, and is it a necessary condition for creative thinking or a setting that rewards and fosters creativity?
allows for flexibility, fluency, originality, and elaboration
How does the combination of the four traditional Guilford/Torrance elements foster creative thinking?
Energetic, independent, risk-taking
What are the most important positive characteristics for success for creative people?