You didn't sleep all night
I feel Tired
You are eating cake
I feel happy
You haven't had a drink of water all day
I am Thirsty because I need water
Your friend invites you to see a movie
I feel happy or I feel excited
pokemon that explodes if it gets too stressed out.
You are up vomiting all night.
I feel sick
You win a trip to Disneyland.
I feel Excited
You haven't eaten all day, and your tummy is rumbly.
I feel hungry because I need Food
Your friend says something mean
I feel sad
You fart super loud in class.
I feel embarrassed or I feel proud
You trip and fall
I feel pain/I feel hurt
I just heard a loud noise outside my window!
I feel afraid
You haven't slept all night. When someone asked you to borrow your pencil you answered rudely to them.
I am angry because I need sleep
You are playing your favourite board game with your friend. When they start to lose, they begin changing the rules of the game.
I feel angry or I feel annoyed
Zone that you are in when you feel sad.
Blue zone
You are lying down listening to your favourite song. Everything is chill and calm.
I feel relaxed
I don’t want to get out of bed or do anything at all
I feel Depressed
I have been listening to the teacher’s lecture for 2 hours. I have been sitting for too long.
I feel bored because I need to move.
My teacher is telling us about an amazing adventure she had.
I feel interested
This bathroom is really dirty and I don’t want to touch anything in here.
I feel......
I feel disgusted
You didn’t win a contest you worked hard on
I feel disappointed
I have to give a presentation in front of the entire class. My hands are shaking.
I feel anxious
You had a really bad day and you're telling mom about it.
I feel ...... and I need......
I feel sad and I need a hug
Leslie and I were supposed to go to the mall together, but she went with Susan instead.
I feel hurt
Part of the brain that controls fight or flight