What is the correct spelling for word 6 list 1?
Train. The word comes from Old French "trahiner," meaning to pull or drag. The "ai" vowel combination produces the long "a" sound, following typical English spelling patterns.
What is the correct spelling for word 21 list 1?
Plea-sure. From Latin "placere" (to please), it evolved through Old French "plaisir." In old english "ea" used to have the long /ee/ sound but shifted to the short /e/ sound over time.
What is the correct spelling for word 5 list 1?
Float: split as "float." The "oa" makes a long "o" sound due to English vowel team rules.
What is the correct spelling of word 12 list 1?
ser-ving (2 syllables)
The root is "serve," with the suffix "-ing" added to indicate an ongoing action.
Vowel Pronunciation:
What is the correct spelling for word 10 in list 1?
shop-ping (2 syllables)
Root "shop" with the suffix "-ing" indicating ongoing action.
Vowel Pronunciation:
When a one-syllable word ends in a single consonant after a single short vowel, and you add a suffix starting with a vowel (like "-ing"), you double the consonant to keep the pronunciation consistent.
What is the correct spelling for word 2 list 2?
Smudge: split as "smudge." The "u" is pronounced as short /u/ (like "uh") due to its historical shift from Old English, and the "ge" gives the soft "j" sound at the end.
What is the correct spelling for word 19 list 1?
Rip-en. It comes from Old French "riper," meaning to mature, with the "en" suffix indicating verb form.
What is the correct spelling for word 9 list 1?
Bright: split as "bright." The "i" makes a long "i" sound because of the vowel team "igh," which historically produces this sound in English.
What is the correct spelling for word 13 list 1?
chewed (1 syllable)
Base word "chew" with the -ed suffix indicating past tense.
Vowel Pronunciation:
What is the correct spelling of word 3 list 2?
trap-ped (2 syllables)
Root "trap" with the doubled consonant "p" and "-ed" suffix to indicate past tense.
Vowel Pronunciation:
When a one-syllable word ends in a single consonant after a single short vowel, and you add a suffix starting with a vowel (like "-ing"), you double the consonant to keep the pronunciation consistent.
What is the correct spelling for word 10 list 2?
Cra-ter: "Crater" comes from Latin "crater," meaning a bowl or hollow. The "a" in "cra" is pronounced as a long "a" due to being the last letter in an open syllable.
What is the correct spelling for word word word 28 list 2?
Com-mo-tion. From Latin "commotio," meaning disturbance, with "com" indicating together.
what is the correct spelling for word 7 list 2?
Squirt: split as "squirt." The "qu" makes the /kw/ sound, following the typical pattern in English where "qu" can produce the /kw/ sound and the "ir" is making the /er/ r-controlled vowel sound.
What is the correct spelling for word 6 list 2?
shav-ing (2 syllables)
Root "shave" with the suffix "-ing" to indicate an ongoing action.
Vowel Pronunciation:
What is the correct spelling for word 5 list 2?
knot-ted (2 syllables)
Root "knot" with "-ed" suffix for past tense. The "k" is silent. The second "t" is added because of the short vowel followed by a single consonant in the first syllable.
Vowel Pronunciation:
When a one-syllable word ends in a single consonant after a single short vowel, and you add a suffix starting with a vowel (like "-ing"), you double the consonant to keep the pronunciation consistent.
What is the correct spelling for word 15 list 1?
Marched: split as "marched." The "ar" is pronounced as a short /ar/ (as in "car") since it is an r-controlled vowel. "ed" is a suffix added to end of the word to change it to past-tense.
What is the correct spelling for word word 24 list 1?
Civ-i-lize. It follows Latin roots, with "civilis" meaning "relating to citizens."
What is the correct spelling for word 13 list 2?
Dis-loy-al: The "oy" is a vowel team making the /oy/ sound like in "boy". The prefix "dis-" means "not," and "loyal" comes from Latin.
What is the correct spelling for word 9 list 2?
scratch-es (2 syllables)
Root "scratch" with the plural suffix "-es" for multiple instances.
Vowel Pronunciation:
What is the correct spelling of word 23 list 2
cor-res-pond (3 syllables)
Root "respond" with the prefix "cor-" meaning "together" or "with." The "r" is doubled because it is a single consonant following a short vowel in the first syllable.
Vowel Pronunciation:
When a one-syllable word ends in a single consonant after a single short vowel, and you add a suffix starting with a vowel (like "-ing"), you double the consonant to keep the pronunciation consistent.
What is the correct spelling for word 9 list 2?
Scrat-ches: The "a" is short because it’s followed by a consonant in the first syllable. The suffix "es" at the end indicates a plural or verb form.
What is the correct spelling for word 27 list 2?
Chlo-rine. The "ch" sounds like /kl/ in English, reflecting Greek roots for clarity.
What is the correct spelling for word 8 list 2?
Pounce: split as "pounce." The "ou" makes the /ow/ sound, following the typical English pattern where "ou" often represents this diphthong, as in "out" or "house."
What is the correct spelling for word 14 list 1?
car-ries (2 syllables)
Root "carry" with the -ies suffix replacing "y" to indicate third-person singular.
Vowel Pronunciation:
What is the correct spelling for word 24 list 2?
il-lit-er-ate (4 syllables)
Prefix "il-" meaning "not," root "literate" meaning "able to read/write." The "l" is doubled because it is a single consonant following a short vowel in the first syllable.
Vowel Pronunciation:
When a one-syllable word ends in a single consonant after a single short vowel, and you add a suffix starting with a vowel (like "-ing"), you double the consonant to keep the pronunciation consistent.