Ngun's Lore
Dork Diaries
Unhealthy Obsessions
Golden Eagle

Ngun was born in what country? Bonus point: If you know which state or city.

What is Burma (Myanmar is not accepted as she does not claim that name) Bonus: What is Shan State/ Mine Hsu


What genre of books does Ngun love

What is sci-fi novels


what is Ngun's favorite color

what is baby blue or light blue

What is Ngun's major and which department is she in.

What is SIS, international relations.


Ngun only ever dyed her hair one color and it was during sophomore year of college, what color was it?

What is the color ginger?


Ngun's parents both died when she was 7. Name the cause of death.

What is a brain hemorrhage? Half point if mentioned specifically HEART cancer. 


In elementary school, Ngun was apart of several clubs, name 1.

What is the green team, safety patrol, and battle of the books.


Ngun has an obsession with this fruit that is only in season during the summer. 

What is lychee


Ngun was class president for which years; freshman, sophomore, junior, senior?

What is junior and senior year


Ngun has 3 siblings, name 2 of the countries that her siblings were born in.

What is Malaysia, Jamaica and Burma


Ngun has an obsession with this specific dessert from the kiosk at the mall, what is it?

What is crepes?


Ngun has had her driver's license since she was 16 however, several cars have been crashed or misfigured with her driving skills. Though it has never been a car accident, how many vehicles has she crashed in a parking lot or hit in total?

what is 5 cars?


When Ngun thinks something is out of the ordinary or odd she will often use this controversial term to describe people or the action. 

What is autistic or on the spectrum?


Ngun was a part of this nonprofit organization for 10 years, called EK2K & BC that helped teach immigrant children English and other school subjects. What does the letter stand for?

 What is English Kids 2 Kids & Bridging cultures?