Culture and Traditions
Personal Values
Interests and Hobbies
Family and Community
Social Interactions

What is one way that cultural traditions can influence how someone celebrates holidays?

What is Different cultures have unique traditions for celebrating holidays, like foods, rituals, or customs (e.g., celebrating Christmas with a specific meal or festival).


What are personal values?

What is Personal values are the beliefs and principles that guide how someone lives, makes decisions, and interacts with others.


What is an example of a hobby that shapes someone’s identity?

What is Playing a sport, like soccer, can shape someone’s identity by making them feel connected to a team and develop perseverance.


How can family traditions shape your experiences growing up?

What is Family traditions can create a sense of belonging and influence how you celebrate holidays, birthdays, or other significant events.


How can your personality shape the way you make friends?

What is If you are extroverted, you might make friends easily, while an introverted person may take more time to form close friendships.


How does speaking more than one language shape someone’s identity and experience?

What is it allows them to connect with multiple cultures, communicate with more people, and experience the world from diverse perspectives.


How do personal values shape the way someone interacts with friends?

What is A person who values honesty may always tell the truth in their friendships, while someone who values kindness may prioritize helping others.


How might a love for reading shape someone’s experiences at school?

What is A love for reading might help the person excel in subjects like English and history and encourage them to engage in class discussions.


What is one way that family expectations can shape your school experience?

What is If a family values education highly, they may encourage you to focus on your studies and do your best in school.


How might someone’s identity influence the way they handle conflict?

What is A person who values peace and understanding might try to resolve conflicts calmly, while someone more competitive might argue their point strongly.


How can cultural background affect the types of food you eat at home?

What is Cultural background often determines what foods are common in your family or community (e.g., eating rice-based dishes in Asian cultures).


How might someone’s values affect how they respond to a group project at school?

What is If a student values responsibility, they may take on a leadership role or ensure that the project is done on time.


How could having a passion for music influence someone’s friendships?

What is They may make friends with others who share their interest in music, play in a band together, or go to concerts as a group.


How might your community shape the activities you participate in?

What is Living in a community that values sports might encourage you to play on local teams, while a community focused on arts might inspire you to join a drama club.


How do personal interests shape the kind of social groups you’re part of?

What is Someone interested in theater might join the drama club and make friends with others who enjoy acting, while a sports enthusiast might connect with teammates.


How can cultural clothing or symbols be a part of someone’s identity?

What is Cultural clothing and symbols can represent heritage, pride, or religious beliefs and affect how others perceive and interact with the person.


Describe a situation where someone’s values could shape how they handle peer pressure.

What is examples: Someone who values integrity might refuse to go along with a group if they feel what the group is doing is wrong, like cheating on a test.


How can participating in hobbies help someone develop life skills?

What is Hobbies like sports or art teach teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity, which can be helpful in both personal and professional life.


How does your family background shape the way you see the world?

What is Growing up in a diverse or single-culture family affects how you view people of different backgrounds, values, and experiences.


What role does confidence play in social interactions at school?

What is Confidence can help someone feel more comfortable sharing their ideas and being involved in social activities, while a lack of confidence might make someone shy or hesitant


Describe a way that someone’s cultural background might influence their career aspirations.

What is Cultural values around education, family roles, or community service may guide career choices (e.g., becoming a teacher because education is highly valued).


How can someone’s personal values shape their future goals?

What is A person who values helping others might aim for a career in healthcare or social work, while someone who values creativity might want to pursue art or music.


How can your hobbies or interests guide your career choices?

What is Someone passionate about technology might pursue a career in computer science, or someone who loves animals might want to become a veterinarian.


In what ways can family roles influence your responsibilities at home and school?

What is Family roles (like being the oldest sibling) might mean more responsibilities at home, such as caring for younger siblings or helping with chores, which can influence how you manage time at school.


How can recognizing your own identity help you better understand someone else’s experiences?

What is Understanding your own identity helps you empathize with others, knowing that everyone comes from different backgrounds and experiences, shaping how they see the world.