What is a trigger?
A trigger can be a thought, feeling, or event that causes a reaction.
You might feel THIS way if...
You think someone has disrespected you
Name 3 healthy coping skills?
Talking about it, deep breathing, asking for help, playing sports, drawing, exercising, listening to music, accepting, forgiving, letting it go, etc.
You can have more than one feeling at a time.
She say "Do you love me?" I tell her..
"Only partly, I only love my bed and my mama, I'm sorry"
(God's Plan-Drake)
What is the purpose of a coping skill?
A strategy or behavior that a person uses to manage stressful or challenging situations, helping them deal with difficult emotions, and maintaining their well-being.
How can you tell how someone is feeling? Give 3 examples
Through facial expressions, body language, or by them telling you.
What is an unhealthy coping skill?
A behavior that provides short-term relief from stress or negative emotions but can ultimately worsen the problem in the long run or cause harm toward self/ others (hitting, substance use, avoidance, self-harm, gambling etc).
Crying is a normal reaction to strong feelings.
True. Crying releases tension. Some scientists believe it releases stress hormones too, which is why we feel better after a good cry.
Drip too hard..
don't stand too close
(Lil Baby & Gunna)
What does it mean to be impulsive?
Acting without thinking about the consequences.
You might feel THIS way if...
You think something bad might happen
worried, anxious, nervous
What are clues to know when it's time to use my healthy coping skills?
When you start to feel like you are losing control of your behavior or your emotions.
Ignoring your feelings makes them go away.
False. Ignoring feelings only makes them grow more intense.
can you do something for me...
(21 Savage-Drake)
What's the difference between being reactive and being proactive?
Reactive-responding to something after it already happens (ex: waiting for rain to start before getting an umbrella).
Proactive-taking action before it happens (ex: bringing an umbrella when you see rain in the forecast).
You might feel THIS way if...
There is no one to talk with
Give an example of a time you effectively used a coping skill.
Other people can make me feel a certain way.
False. Our feelings come from our thoughts, so others do not have the power to make us feel bad unless we allow them to.
Mama say it's my fault, it's my fault
I wear my heart on my sleeve
Think it's best I put my heart on ice, heart on ice
(Heart on Ice-Rod Wave)
What's the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?
Fixed mindset- You see your abilities and intelligence as things that cannot change ("I'm just not good at math, so there's no point in trying").
Growth mindset- You believe you can do anything with hard work and deliberate effort ("I can learn anything if I put in the effort").
Name 3 ways emotions are good for us
Give us info, help with communication with others, motivate, prepare us...etc
What's the stoplight or traffic light technique?
Helps with impulse control:
RED light – Stop. Stop! Don't lash out! ...
YELLOW light– Wait. Yellow offers an opportunity to think and find an appropriate solution to the problem.
GREEN light– Go. With green, you have the permission to go and move forward in a responsible way.
There are good and bad feelings.
False. Feelings are not good or bad, right or wrong, they are just feelings. You have a choice in how you express them, which can result in positive or negative consequences.
I'm way up I feel
(Blessing-Big Sean)