What is the habitat for the grey Wolf?
Tundra,Woodlands,Forests,Grasslands and Deserts.
Do Wolves eat other Wolves from there pack?
They don't kill them but they will eat there boy if there killed by other Wolves a diseases.
Does a Wolf live in a group?
Yes they are called packs.
What is the most common Wolf?
The grey Wolf.
How many scent's do Wolves have?
5 senses.
What is the habitat for the arctic Wolf?
between Canada and Greenland.
what kind of animals do Wolves eat?
Hoofed animals.
What does the Wolf use its tail for?
Keeping balance.
What is the most unique Wolf color?
How many toes do Wolves have?
5 toes.
What is the habitat of the Mexican gray Wolf?
Mountains,Woodlands and Deserts.
What is the most common Wolf prey?
Elk and Moose.
Can a Wolf kill a Bear?
How many species of Wolves are there still alive?
3 Wolf species are still alive.
What is the wolves best scent?
What is the red Wolf habitat?
Swamps,Forests,Wetlands and Bush lands.
What age do Wolves start hunting?
Six mouths old.
How far do Wolves travel normally?
600 miles.
What is the most endangered Wolf?
Red Wolf.
How many bones is in a Wolf?
Around 321 bones.
What is the habitat for the Ethiopian Wolf?
Arssi and Bale mountains.
What condition is the Wolves prey at that Wolves manly eat?
The weak and old.
How many Wolf species are extinct?
7 Wolf species are extinct.
How many Wolf species are there in all?
10 Wolf species.
What is the most useful body part in the Wolf?
The adapted wrist to give it speed.