TRUE/FALSE: Sales reps should select as many goals as the customer wants to achieve in onboarding.
FALSE: They should select no more than 3, if they do select more than 3 you should ask the customer on the first onboarding call which 3 they want to prioritize and then, archive any additional projects in the portal and show the customer how to unarchive them if they wish to do so after the onboarding when working with their CSM/CST.
What happens if a customer finished their list of objectives in less than the time alotted in onboarding? Will more projects be added or do they just graduate?
ANSWER: They graduate onboarding once all objectives are met
Does OBO stand for: Outcomes Based Onbording, Objectives Based Onboarding or Organic Based Onboarding?
ANSWER: Objectives Based
TRUE/FALSE: Free First time template set up is no longer included in the customer's purchase of marketing hub pro or higher.
FALSE: Template set up is still included in the customer's purchase of marketing hub pro or higher.
TRUE/FALSE: Customers with any software edition of HubSpot can purchsae Advanced Onboarding.
TRUE/FALSE: You can buy QSC for Sales/Service Hub Professional onboarding
FALSE: Pro onboarding will be required for sales hub pro and service hub pro
FALSE: Pro onboarding will be required for sales hub pro and service hub pro
Once the objectives in the 3 goals are met, is onbarding over? Or will the customer and the COS add another goal project to work on?
ANSWER: Onboarding will be over
How soon can a customer expect to hear from their onboarding specialist? 24, 48 or 72hrs?
ANSWER: 48hrs is the expetation customers should be sold on
If a customer wants to be trained by a hubspotter onsite, what should they purchase?
Recommend they buy 1 DAY OF INBOUND CONSULTING
TRUE/FALSE: Advanced Onboarding is required for enterprise packages.
ANSWER: FALSE. Advanced onboarding is OPTIONAL
How much does Marketing Hub Enterprise Onboarding cost on/after 11/1?
ANSWER: $6,000
True or False: With OBO, customers can expect 1hr calls per week with their Customer Onboarding Specialist
ANSWER: False. Customers should not think of Onboarding as just weekly calls. Because onboarding is now based on goals&objectives, they should aim to have the most productive calls, meaning time inbetween calls could be any variation that allows them to get the most work done inbetween.
What are the 4 inputs required for OBO?
ANSWER: Goals, Tech Stack, Products purchased, Company Size
Is the CRM Migration package in addition to our onboarding, or, in place of?
ANSWER: In Addition
Sales Advanced Onboarding is recommended for customers who have ____ number of seats.
ANSWER: 20+ seats, or 50+ reps
How much does Sales/Service Hub pro onboarding cost through the end of December 2020?
1 extra point if you said $250 through JAN 15TH 2020, $500 POST JAN 15 2020
True or False: customers are allowed 6 goals in ProSuite Onboarding
ANSWER: False, there is no more Prosuite Onbaording Package
True or False: If a customer buys multiple packages they will get a different COS for each package
False: They will have the same COS.
What service is no longer included in Advanced Onboarding?
Web Template migration no longer included in Advanced onboarding - 2 new skus for this: Migration Asset: Base or Migration Asset: Premium
Who will deliver advanced Onboarding? An Inbound Consultant, Principal Customer Onboarding Specialist or a Technical Consultant?
ANSWER: Principal COS
After 1/15/20, can Sales Hub Pro Onboarding or Service Hub Pro Onboarding be discounted up to 25% discount without approval? Yes or no?
True or False: Sales and Service Hub Pro will only be $500 and is shortened from 60 days to 45 days
False: Sales and Service Pro Onboarding will still be 60days
Who reaches out to TruJay, the sales rep or the COS?
TRUE/FALSE: If a customer buys an additional consulting block, it cannot be delivered at the same time as onboarding.
ANSWER: FALSE: It can be delivered at the same time
What are two deliverables that a Customer might receive when they go through Advanced Onboarding?
ANSWER: Business mapping flow chart and Solution Architecture