Nouns & adjectives
Reported speech

Which of the following words is different from the rest?

artist, doctor, criminal, idea, police, computer

police --> collective noun


1. I'll make sure that everything _______ (be) in order.

2. The weather _______ (get) better and better. 

1. is

2. is getting


What does "voice" mean here? / What "voice" do you know?

主动语态 / 被动语态


How do we call the kind of sentences suggesting things/situations are real or unreal?

conditional sentences


Is "Reported speech" also called

"direct speech" or "indirect speech"?

indirect speech


Name 4 suffixes that make nouns.

E.g "-tion", "-ture", "-ism", "-ance", "-ness", "-ment" ...


“事实胜于雄辩” should be translated into English using which verb tense? 

simple present.

"Actions speak louder than words."


Explain the difference between the two voice.

the active voice: 主动语态,someone does something.

the passive voice: 被动语态, something is done by someone.


1. I will accept your explanation only if you _____ (support) it with evidence.

2. If you pour oil on water, it _______ (float).

1. support

2. floats


When do we use reported speech?

To report or repeat what others said.

Name 5 prefixes that mean "opposite of", "against" or "not".

E.g "un-", "im-", "il-", "in-", "anti-", "dis-", ...


Name at least 4 tenses that are used to describe past events.

simple past ("did")

past continuous ("was / were doing")

past perfect ("had done")

present perfect (have/has done")



Rewrite the sentences using the other voice: 

1. Careless driving causes many accidents. (150)

2. Someone cleans this room everyday. (150)

1. Many accidents are caused by careless driving.

2. This room is cleaned everyday. 


Read the examples: "If you heat ice, it melts." vs. "If we catch the 10 o'clock train, we will get there by lunch-time."

1. Name two basic sentence types that are used to talk about REAL situations. (100)

2. Explain the differences in meaning of these two (When do we use each of them?) (200)

"If you heat ice, it melts." --> Type 0 conditional (used to describe things that almost always true / common knowledge)

"If we catch the 10 o'clock train, we will get there by lunch-time." --> Type 1 conditional (one-time event; true; probable to happen)


Sentence completion:

Tom said, "I am feeling ill." ---> Tom said __________________.

Tom said (that) he was feeling ill.


1. My sisters or my brother _____ (be) likely to be at home. (200) 

2. Either my father or my brothers ______ (be) coming. (200)

1. is/was

2. are/were


simple past vs. past continuous

The first plane _______ (explode) just as our plane ________ (land), but our pilot skillfully ________ (climb) up again before touching the tarmac (跑道). All the people who ________ (wait) for us _________ (witness) the incident. 

exploded; was landing; climbed; were waiting; witnessed 


Rewrite the sentences below:

1. The situation is serious. We must do something before it's too late. (omit "we") (200)

2. The vegetables didn't taste very good. Mom had cooked them for too long. (omit "mom") (200)

1. The situation is serious. Something must be done before it's too late.

2. The vegetables didn't taste very good. They had been cooked for too long. 


Name two sentence types showing UNREAL situations. (200)

Explain the differences in meaning. (200)

Type 2 conditional (2nd conditional): to imagine a situation that is different from the current, real situation.

Type 3 conditional (3rd conditional): to imagine a situation that is different from what actually happened before.


Sentence completion:

"Does he really mean it?" ---> I wondered ___________________________.

I wondered whether / if he really meant it.


Complete the following sentences with given verbs in simple present tense:

1. Domestic cattle ________ (provide) us with milk, beef and hides. (250)

2. All the machinery in the factory _____ (be) made in China. (250)

1. provide

2. is


Dear Peter,

You by any chance (1)____ (know) where Bob is? I (2)____ (like) to find out because I just (3)____ (hear) of a job that exactly (4)____ (suit) him,but if he (5)____ (not apply) fairly soon,of course he (6)____ (not get) it.

I last (7) ____ (see) him about a month ago,when he just (8)____ (leave) his job with the film company. He (9)____ (say) he (10)___ (go) to France for a holiday and (11)____ (promise) to send me a post card with his French address as soon as he (12)____ (find) a place to stay. But I (13)____ (hear) nothing since then and (14)____ (not know) even whether he (15)____ (go) to France or not.

If you (16)____ (know) his address, I (17)____ (be) very grateful if you (18)____ (phone) me. I (19)____ (try) to phone you several times but your phone (20)____ (not seem) to be working.


know; would like; heard; suits; doesn't apply; won't get; saw; left; said; would go; promised; finds; have heard; don't know; has gone; know; will be; phone; have tried; doesn't seem


Use two ways to rewrite the sentence below:

"We gave the police the information."

1. The police were given the information.

2. The information was given to the police.


Write conditionals based on the given facts:

1. She didn't take the medicine, so she didn't feel any better. (Type 3) (250)

2. This evening isn't perfect because there are so many mosquitoes. (Type 2) (250)

1. If she had taken the medicine, she would have felt much better.

2. If there weren't so many mosquitoes, it would be a perfect evening.


Sentence completion:

1. "Is this book yours or his?" --> She asked me ____________________. (250)

2. "Why didn't you stop her?" --> He asked ____________________. (250) 

1. She asked me whether this book was mine or his.

2. He asked why I hadn't stopped her.