Name one of the four places Ms. Peña has lived in.
The DR, Brooklyn, Philly, or NJ (Newark/Princeton) would be considered correct.
What Hun club is Henry a part of?
Asian Culture Club.
What are Neiyam's two hobbies?
Playing video games and skiing.
What is Karis' favorite type of fish?
Whale sharks.
What township is Shiv from?
THEE Windsor Township.
This student...who presented today...has been at Hun since the 6th grade. Who is she?
What did Jack like to build when he was younger (and still does...I think)?
What widely-loved sweet does Anika dislike?
What South American country is Lulu's family from?
Morgan was involved in two Hun sports this year. What were they?
Volleyball and basketball.
Mikey plays basketball and baseball at Hun. What other sport does he dabble in?
What holiday was Gavin born on?
Robert is from New Jersey, but where is some of his family from?
The Philippines.
What book genre does Ellie enjoy most?
This student is a certified lifeguard! Who is she?