High School Coursework
Career Exploration
College Preparation
Life Skills
Time Management

How can the study skills you learn in high school help you in your future career?

The study skills you learn in high school can help you to effectively manage your time and learn how to prioritize tasks, which are valuable skills for any career.


Name one way you can explore different career options while in high school.

Through career fairs, job shadowing, or internships.


Why is it important to maintain a strong GPA in high school?

A strong GPA improves chances of getting accepted into college and earning scholarships.


Why is it important to develop effective communication skills? 

When communication is effective, it leaves all parties involved satisfied and feeling accomplished. By delivering messages clearly, there is no room for misunderstanding or alteration of messages, which decreases the potential for conflict.


Why is time management important for high school students and their future success?

It ensures that students are well prepared, organized and focused to manage their daily lives and complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to improved success, however, this is a skill that students have to learn and practice. Students must change their habits in order to have good time management skills.


Name one high school course that can be directly relevant to a future career in medicine.

Biology or Chemistry


How can job shadowing or an internship help you prepare for future careers?

Job shadowing or an internship can provide firsthand insight into a particular career, helping you understand the day-to-day responsibilities and whether it aligns with your interests and aspirations.


What are some common standardized tests used for college admissions?

SAT, ACT, or AP exams.


How can high school students develop problem-solving skills? 

Brain storming activity, group project, creative writing work shop, verbal or visual puzzle, word problems. 


Provide strategies for prioritizing tasks and avoiding procrastination.

8 Tips to avoid Procrastination

  1. Admit that you're procrastinating.
  2. Pick a good study location. 
  3. Eliminate distractions. 
  4. Set Goals You can Reach. 
  5. Work with a study group. 
  6. Reward yourself. 
  7. Take a break. 
  8. Hold Yourself Accountable.

How can taking advanced math courses in high school benefit you in real life?

Advanced math courses can improve problem-solving skills and logical reasoning, which are valuable in many careers, including finance, engineering, and computer science.


Why is it important to research the education and training requirements for your desired career?

Researching the education and training requirements helps you plan your high school and college coursework accordingly, ensuring you are prepared for your chosen career path.


How can extracurricular activities enhance college applications?

They demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and commitment to interests and causes.


Explain the concept of teamwork and its importance in real life.

It involves the combined efforts of individual members who bring their unique knowledge and skills to the table. Effective teamwork in the workplace relies on key components such as active listening and open communication, and ensures each person's input contributes towards reaching the team's goals.


How can high school students effectively balance academics, extracurricular activities, and personal life?

  • Prioritize your academics. 
  • Choose extracurricular activities that are important to you. 
  • Set limits on your commitments.
  • Manage your time effectively. 
  • Take breaks. 
  • Start planning early.
  • Be realistic about your commitments.
  • Don't be afraid to say no.

Explain how learning a foreign language in high school can be beneficial in the workplace.

Knowing a foreign language can help you communicate with clients or colleagues from different countries and can open up job opportunities that require multilingual skills.


How can networking events or connecting with professionals in your field of interest benefit you in the long run?

Networking events and connecting with professionals can lead to mentorship opportunities, job leads, and valuable advice about breaking into a particular field.


Name one resource or service provided by high schools to support college preparation.

College counseling, SAT/ACT prep classes, or college fairs.


Describe the benefits of practicing healthy habits, such as exercise and proper nutrition.

Eating smart and being active have similar effects on our health. These include: Reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and some cancers and associated disabilities. Prevent weight gain and/or promote weight loss.


Explain the benefits of setting specific goals and creating a schedule.

It makes decision-making easier, eliminates uncertainties, and builds healthy habits to manage your time and energy better. It can be a part of productivity planning and goal management. Scheduling enables you to prioritize important tasks and identify potential time wasters.


How can participating in extra curricular activities such as sports, drama, school clubs, help prepare you for real life after high school? 

Participating in extracurricular activities can develop leadership, teamwork, and time-management skills, which are important in both personal and professional life.


Explain the importance of setting short-term and long-term goals in relation to future career success.

Setting goals helps to provide direction and motivation, break down larger objectives into manageable steps, and track progress towards a desired career path.


Explain the importance of developing transferable skills for future careers.

Transferable skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, are valued in various professions.


How can high school students manage stress effectively? 

Here are few ideas of how high school students can learn how to deal with stress at school: 

  • Keeping a journal
  • Getting plenty of exercise
  • Eating healthy, regular meals
  • Making sure you get enough sleep 
  • Meditating
  • Downloading an app that provides relaxation exercises (such as deep breathing or visualization) or tips for practicing mindfulness
  • Limiting excess caffeine in soft drinks or coffee
  • Reaching out to friends or family members who help you cope in a positive way
  • Making time to do fun things
  • Learning to recognize and prepare for stressful periods by doing all of the above

How can technology be utilized to improve time management skills?

For example, calendar apps allow students to create schedules, set reminders, and get notifications, so they never miss an important deadline. To do lists apps, on the other hand, allow students to prioritize their tasks, set reminders, and keep track of their progress.