When using flashcards to study, you should interweave different subjects. What does this mean?
Mix different subjects together
Context switching results in significantly measurable attention deficits. This means that teens using their phone for only __________ per day will find it harder to focus on one thing.
one hour
In order to learn we need to choose to pay __________. Studies have shown that when we are fully ____________ on a task, we'll be more likely to remember it, especially for the long term.
attention, focused
When you take notes, you should write _________ in the left column, and __________ in the right column.
subject/topic/keywords; details/facts
When it comes to learning a skill (art, math, french, foosball, breakdancing), the _________ the better. Practice and perseverance are the other ingredients!
Each time you re-visit the same learning material, you reactive the same neurons. This repeated firing ___________ the connections between the cells, stabilizing the memory. What fires together, wires together!
The six critical ingredients to help you learn faster are...
attention, alertness, sleep, repetition, breaks, and mistakes
How information is transferred from short term to long term memory isn't completely understood but it's thought to happen in between ___________ and when you ___________.
in between study sessions and when you sleep
What fires together wires together. The more you do something, like studying, even skiing or crossover dribbling, the stronger the connections between the neurons become. What is the word for this ability of the brain to physically change?