How to ask
How to Answer
ACT IT OUT Answers
Sing and Shout!
ACT IT OUT Questions
What should you do when you don't understand something?
Ask a Question!
What should you do when you know the answer to a question?
Raise your hand!
Demonstrate what you have to do in a discussion if know the answer to a question.
Raise your hand!!
Your ideas are _______
Demonstrate what you should do if you have a question during class.
Raise your hand!
Who should you direct your question towards?
You can ask: -your teacher -another student -a parent
What is one possible way you could explain your answer?
"I did... because..." "First I did... and then I did..." Or any other cohesive answers!
The person sitting next to you is stuck on a math problem. You are done with your work, and understood how to do all of it. Demonstrate what you should do.
Ask the person if they want help, and show them how to do the problem!
Two things to think about when you're stuck
Act out a conversation with your teacher if you ask them a question one on one.
Your teacher wants to help and will appreciate you taking initiative to ask!
What two things should you do if you don't know how to ask your question?
Think about: -Where you got stuck -What you understand
FILL IN THE BLANK My ideas are _______.
You are nervous to answer a question in class because sometimes other kids might laugh. Act out what you might say to yourself to encourage yourself!
Remind yourself that your ideas are important, and you will feel good if you have the right answer.
Think of a song that will encourage you when you are nervous and sing it for the class!
Remember this song when you are scared to raise your hand!
You are worried that other kids might make fun of you if you ask a question. Show what you should tell yourself!
If you have a question, others probably have the same question! Have confidence!
What are two ways to start your question? (Question stems)
"I am confused about..." "I understood this, but not this..." "What do you do if ___ happens..." or any other answer involving "who, what, where, when and why"
What should you do when others are answering questions?
Listen! You can learn from other people, and you would want others to show respect to you too!
You are working in a group with 3 other kids. They don't understand the task, so they are goofing around. Show what you should do.
Be a leader! Explain what the activity is and help them get started.
What is one word to describe the power of asking and answering questions?
Answers will vary and all are fantastic! :)
You ask a question, but your teacher misunderstands. Show how you could reexplain.
Examples: "I understand that part, but I don't get..." Ask someone else And others!
What six words help you ask a question? Hint: Not in a sentence, as individual words
-Who -What -Where -When -Why -How
Why should you share your answers and ideas?
Your ideas are important! Others may learn from you and your ideas!
DAILY DOUBLE How does answering questions help you?
By giving you the opportunity to see if your answer is correct, and learning the right answer if it isn't.
Make up a short song or rap about asking and answering questions!
Answers and songs will vary!
Show the value of asking questions using no words, only actions.
Many different answers!