It is okay to text or call staff during ___________
No we should not be talking bad or anything personal about others when they are not there.
When you are being social you should try to converse with ____________ peers.
a variety of peers, not just hanging out with our friends every time. Because at work we don't just hang out with out friends we have to get along with people that we may not even like, but we keep it to ourselves.
What does it mean to be an adult to you?
answers vary
When should we use our manners in program?
All the time
Can clients be friends with staff?
No we are actually not allowed to.
How do you dress appropriately for work?
Wearing clean everyday clothes, nothing ripped, dirty, stained, clothes that fit, no pajamas or costumes, nothing revealing. dress for the weather!
Why shouldn't you be negative?
Because it makes others uncomfortable.
It is a work environment you should treat it the same as if you were at work
How should we act when someone is hosting an activity or sharing something?
Sitting still and paying attention, looking at the person talking and not being distracted by other things or doing something else.
Can clients touch each other?
No, basically only high-fives. No hugging, poking, touching arms. Staff don't touch each other.
It is important to arrive _________ for volunteering or activities.
On time! or a little early
How do you know if someone is talking to you?
They say your name or they make eye contact with you.
Why shouldn't we buy ourselves something every time we're in a store?
We are adults and we need to practice self control and save our money we don't need a treat every time we go out.
What are table manners?
chewing with your mouth closed, wiping up anything you spill, not eating too fast, not burping loudly, clean your hands before you eat
How can someone maintain boundaries in a healthy and assertive way?
clear communication, consistency, assertiveness, and by respecting the boundaries of others (treating others how you want to be treated), not being afraid to speak up for yourself, self advocacy is a goal!
What are two characteristics of professionals?
Self Respect and Personal Responsibility
Should you tell others what to do?
No it is the staff's job to tell clients what to do, you will not make friends if you tell others what to do, no one likes being told what to do. You have to focus on your own goals.
Is AIM forever?
No we want you to reach your goals no matter what they are!
When should you say 'excuse me?'
when you bump into someone, when you want to get past them, when you burp or fart, when you have a question and might have to interrupt to say something important.
What do you do if your specialist is breaking the rules or not doing something right?
Speak up for yourselves! and tell Christina! or other staff. Don't be afraid to get them in trouble we need to have really good staff to make program work for you guys and you guys deserve the best staff. It is part of self-advocacy.
What do you do if you're frustrated with someone else taking a long time to do something?
practice your patience! Professionals are patient and don't let others upset them.
What topics do we not talk about in program/work?
Religion, politics, gossip, personal stuff, et cetera?
Why should you be responsible for yourself?
Answers vary.
Should you make plans with another peer in front of others that don't include them?
No they will feel left out, don't talk about birthday parties others were not invited to in front of them!