Where do you buy cheese in france?
A la fromagerie
How do you say steak in french?
le steak
How do you say breakfast in french?
petit dejeuner
how do you say I eat apples?
je mange le pommes
what do you buy at a la cremerie?
oeufs, lait, beurre, yaourt
how do you spell eggs in french?
How do you say lunch in french?
how do you say I eat chips?
je mange le chips
where do you buy snacks and condiments?
A l'epicerie -ou- Au supermarche
how do you say coffee in french?
How do you say dinner in french?
how do you say I eat cake in french?
Je mange le gateau
Where can you buy cookies, cake, and chocolate crossiants?
A la patisserie
how do you say vegetables in french?
le legumes
how do you say dessert in french?
le dessert
how do you say I eat chocolate croissants in french?
je mange le un pain au chocolat
where can you buy meat spreads and sausage?
A la charcuterie
how do you say oysters in french?
les huitres
How do you say snack in french?
le gouter
how do you say I eat oysters in french?
je mange les huitres