Examples of Coping Strategies
Dealing with Anger
America Trivia

What does it mean to control your emotions?

Controlling your emotions means to find ways to react in certain situations. For example, you can ask for a break when you are stuck on a question on a test or a quiz.

Your mom tells you to fold your clothes, but you keep ignoring her. What are the consequences of this situation?

Your mom can get upset at you and she might take your screens away?


When you take a deep breath, you use your…



What is anger?

Anger is one of the strongest feelings that we have in our daily lives. It can make us feel upset and angry. 


What is New York City’s nickname?

The Big Apple


What is a temper tantrum?

A temper tantrum is when you have a meltdown that makes you feel very upset and angry. During a temper tantrum, you will have a hard time controlling your emotions.


You brush you teeth every day. What are the consequences of this situation?

You will have clean teeth and get no cavities.


When you want a break, it’s important to….

raise your hand and ask the teacher.


What are things that we do when we feel angry?

When we feel angry, we growl, scream, yell, throw things, and slam doors.


What is the capital of America?

Washington D.C.


What are coping skills/strategies?

Coping strategies are used to help you stay calm in frustrating situations.


You eat a cookie and you left crumbs on the floor. What are the consequences of this situation?

You might attract insects.


What is five-finger breathing?

Five-finger breathing is a coping strategy that involves tracing your finger when you take deep breaths.


How should you deal with your anger?

Instead of yelling and screaming, you should use many coping strategies like deep breaths and asking for a break. You can also talk about your anger with a behavior specialist or your guidance counselor.


When did we sign the Declaration of Independence?

July 4th, 1776


What is a consequence?

A consequence is the outcome of doing something that is good or bad.

You forgot to take a shower for one week. What are the consequences of this situation?

You might stink.


Finish this sentence: When you take a deep breath, you smell the _______ and blow out the ________.

roses, candles


What causes us to have anger?

Something is hard, or you can’t get what you want.


What is one of the famous statues in New York City? It symbolizes freedom and was introduced in 1886. You can even see this on a boat trip across New York.

Statue of Liberty 


What is the amygdala? 

The amygdala is the part of the brain that senses danger by telling us to fight, flight (run away), or freeze. It also can go off when you have a meltdown or when you flip your lid.


You suddenly run away from your teacher. What are the consequences of this situation?

Your teacher will get upset and she will have to send you to the principal’s office. 


If you have your own journal, you can _________ ______ your feelings.

write down


What can you say to yourself when you feel angry?

”I am in control of my emotions” or “I am capable of using coping strategies to help me calm down when I feel angry or frustrated”


What are the five boroughs of NYC?

Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens