At what age can you get a job with a work permit?
16 years old
Define qualifications
The eductaion, skills, & work experience to do a job
Come to an interview with messy hair & pajama clothes
Define resume
A summary of your skills, education, & work experience
Define job interview
A formal face-to face discussions between an employer and a potential employee
Reverse recruiters
What types of jobs do not require a high school diploma? (specific term)
Blue collar jobs
Question a mangers authority
What is the purpose of a resume?
Your resume helps you stand out from your competitors
What style should you wear for an interview?
Business casual
Who needs to approve a work permit?
Your parent/guardian & your school
What mathematical skills do you need to work in customer service?
+, -, x, & /
Call ahead if you're going to be late
What are the five parts of a chronological resume?
Heading, job objective, a skills summary, work experience, & education
Best answer: Why do you want this job?
Serenity picks
In what case does someone under 16 not need a work permit
When it is for a family business
If someone volunteers at a zoo which job are they more likely to get: doctor, zoologist, or welder?
Apply to multiple jobs at once (Trick question: whoever answers better wins)
My pick
What is a cover letter?
Front page of a resume that tells an employer about the person and why they're applying for the job
What is a reference?
Someone who can recommend you for a job that has known you for a while, typically not related to you?
How many people are unemployed in Illinois?
If you're going to call off for work, what's the shortest notice you should give?
3 hours
How do you treat coworkers you may have conflicts with or do not like?
Best answer wins
How do you format the top of your resume?
Name, address, phone number, & email address
What type of interview question asks you to describe how you would handle specific workplace situations or how you have in the past?
Behavioral interview questions