The Bible is all about this person.
The three main styles of writing in Scripture.
Narrative, Poetry, and Prose/Discourse.
The first five books of the bible, known collectively as the Torah.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
True (he wrote the Torah)
The two big sections of the bible; Old and New ____________.
The primary writing style of the Gospels.
The place when God first promised that a Messiah would come.
In Genesis, when God curses the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
The primary writing style of the Psalms.
A person God makes a major promise to; he found Grace in God's eyes because he believed in Him when he said a flood was coming.
(Bonus: 300 points if you can tell me what the promise was, and about its sign.)
True (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon)
This many of the 66 books in the bible are in the Old Testament.
The primary writing style of Paul's letters.
What God asked Abraham to do with the son of his old age, Isaac.
Sacrifice him
(Bonus: What did God provide in Isaac's place for the offering?)
Paul, the Apostle
These are the first and last books of the Bible.
Genesis and Revelation
Any one of the three tools used in biblical narrative.
(BONUS: An additional 500 for each of the other two you can name.)
Plot, Characters, Setting
When God sent an angel to kill the firstborn sons throughout Egypt, he told the Israelites to kill this type of animal and do this with its blood.
Kill a lamb, and spread its blood on the doorposts as a sign of God's passover.
False (The letters were written by Paul TO Timothy.)