What is Mr. Tran's email address?
What is the % you are penalized for late work AND assignments worth more than 50 points?
50% for general late work.
10% each day for major assignments.
What is the first consequence of disrupting the classroom?
A verbal warning or a chat outside the classroom.
What is the number of books a student is completed to read by the end of the year?
20 books for 6th grade
25 books for 7th grade.
Who are the people who need to sign the syllabus?
The parents/guardians and student.
What resource can you use to find out everything you need to know about Mr. Tran's classroom?
What is required to earn credit for late work? How do you obtain this?
Late work slips. You ask Mr. Tran for them.
What is the third consequence of disrupting the classroom?
Parent contact, parent/teacher conference, or detention.
What is the minimum % requirement for an AR quiz?
What are the types of work students will analyze, compare, and evaluate?
Works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry?
What's the underlying theme and message that Mr. Tran wants you to follow?
"Follow the evidence wherever it leads, and question everything," by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
What is the number of days to make up late work if you are absent?
3 days.
What is the second consequence of disrupting the classroom? What citizenship grade may result because of that?
Writing a letter to Mr. Tran that requires a parent/guardian signature.
3 or 4.
In regards to the AR reading component of the reading program, what are the student's responsibilities?
Complete quizzes for 10 books (6th grade) and 12 books (7th grade).
What is the number of late work slips allowed?
What time will Mr. Tran will not respond to e-mails?
After 5:00
Who should you ask to inquire about work you missed? Where do you go to find out the missing assignment?
Your classmates or Mr. Tran
The daily agenda on Mr. Tran's website.
What type of assignments fall under 40% in the grade book.
Book Challenge
True or false, a student who completes 10 (or 12) AR quizzes and receives scores between 70%-100% meets the requirements of the reading program.
What are the first two materials suggested for the classroom?
A composition Book (college rule preferably) and two pocket-file folders.
What are Mr. Tran's classroom rules?
Be connected.
Be curious.
Be analytical.
Be considerate.
What steps should you take when you submit absent work that is completed online?
E-mail Mr. Tran
What type of assignments falls under 60% in the grade book?
End-of-class Projects
What is the value of a book that is 525 pages?
How many AR quizzes is it worth?
3 books.
1 quiz.
What is the value of a book that is 250 pages?
How many AR quizzes is it worth?