15 lives in si works in church
kevin green
si 15 kinda tall very white
she’s fresh 13 lives in jersey has 2 big brothers
jacey jimmy’s
carmela cuzzies
short king short queen both very dark 14 15
scarletnickos & louiefrankies
jersey has stds 15
jersey 13 short
12 will be 13 lives in brooklyn
chicken bobby’s
fortnite map
ac va 16 15 2 white people ( get married we love yous)
zacknickys & zoeyjohns
jersey 14 tall just got known ( kinda boring ran out of people)
15 jersey short nonchalant dred head
13 lives in long island
deek suk bujy normal(idk how to spell the other name )
short queen tall king girls black boys white with blue eyes engaged
tonyarchies & dutchie archie’s
florida fine shyt u already know bruh
preston fl
new york 14 very over hyped normal height
tommy peapods
15 lives in jersey blue eyes blonde hair
angelina peters
u wanna talk about my father u wanna talk about my family
angelina manos noel vlado😂😂😂
both live in jersey girl is tall with blue eyes and blonde hair boy is tall and white with black hair🇮🇹
jake vlado & angelina peters
long island 16 personal opinion
louchino codys
ac 15 short king dark skined
15 lives in long island brown hair
lululemon drama
abby johns