The signal when you need to use the restroom
What are two crossed fingers in the air?
Say "hello" or "good morning"
What is the way to greet someone?
What is how to put away devices?
Name, Student Number, Date, Assignment Name
What is how to write the heading on paper?
What time the tardy bell rings?
What is the number of paper towels to dry off your hands?
Something you do after you have gone to the restroom, and put away your conduct folder.
What is start morning work?
What time we start packing up for dismissal?
Where all papers are turned in
What is the white drawer for our class?
Stop talking and listen for directions when at assemblies
What is when a teacher holds up a zero?
Wash your hands with soap
This is put in the basket when you come in each morning.
What is the conduct card folder?
What are the green folders?
Dismisses you for the end of the day
Who is Mrs. G
Loose papers in a desk
What is something we should never have?
This is not allowed during any drill of any kind
What is talking
This is used to record restroom breaks for students.
What is the notebook?
What is the log book?
Name something you must do before the tardy bell rings.
What is go to the restroom?
Pick up, Pack up, and Sit quietly
What is how we get ready for dismissal?
Do it nice, or do it twice
What is what happens when we write messy?
At recess, this calls everyone to line up quickly and quietly.
What are three whistle blows at recess?
The number of students that are allowed to go leave the classroom for the restroom/water.
What is one student?
What is one student at a time?
Name the most important thing to do when you first enter the classroom every morning.
Trash on the floor
What is something that everyone must help to clean up?
Always have the holes on the left side of the paper
What is the correct side we start writing?
Allows you to earn PBIS points
What is following expectations?