2 Tim 3:16
Who Wrote the Bible
Internal Consistency
Prophecy, Preservation, & Science
without sin
What is Righteousness
Name one fact that we can know about God by looking at creation?
What is (he exists , he is powerful, there is order, he is creative)
What did Moses write in Exodus 24:4
What is "all the words of the Lord".
The Bible was written by ____ different men over a period of 1600 years.
What is 40.
The Bible has correctly predicted future events, This is called?
What is prophecy
the sacred writings of the Bible.
What is Scripture
What can't we learn about God just by studying the world around us?
What is (how long ago God created, how long it took Him to create, that everything was originally "very good", Adam's sin corrupted, Jesus came to earth, died and rose from the dead, we need a savior, there will be a new heavens and earth).
How did Paul write his letters according to Peter in 2 Peter 3:15-16?
What is "according to the wisdom given to him".
The Bible was written by different authors over a long period of time. Why aren't there errors and inconsistencies? Hint: 2Peter 1:20-21
What is because God inspired men to write it. It's not man's words..but God's.
What predicted event was given in Micah 5:2 and fulfilled in Matthew 2:1, and Luke 2:4-7? Who is the scriptures referring to? (2 parts)
What is Born in Bethlehem. Jesus
What is Profitable
This is a special name for God's creation....HINT G.R.
What is general revelation
Read Exodus 24:4 Who wrote it and What did they write?
What is Moses & "all the words of the Lord".
Name the 3 continents that the Bible was written on?
What is Asia, Africa, and Europe.
The bible has been amazingly preserved over the years. A Roman emperor, name Diocletian ordered that all the bibles be destroyed. How did he have them destroyed?
What is fire or burned.
divine guidance of the mind & soul of men
What is Inspiration
The Bible is considered a ------- Revelation from God?
What is Special Revelation
How can I trust what God says? What if this is just made up? Hint: Numbers
What is Numbers 23:19 (God cannot lie)
Name the 3 languages the Bible was written in (originally).
What is Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.
What if Jesus didn't fulfill just one of the predicted prophecies about him?
What is He isn't who he says he is and therefore we are without hope.
a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some groups or school
What is Doctrine
Our world is now suffering from curse of sin (Romans 8:21-22)..So we cannot trust the world or (G.R.) to tell us the truth about the? ----, -------, or ------. (Hint: P.P.F)
What is the past, present, or future
When someone says that man wrote the Bible, what verse could I show them that suggests other wise?
What is 2 Timothy 3:16 or 2Peter 1:2-21
Name at least 2 general places or times that man wrote the bible. (eg...water park...you don't have to say Holiday World)
What is wilderness, dungeon, hillside, palace, prison, while traveling, in exile...times of war, sacrifice, peace, and prosperity.
The bible tells the truth about scientific things as well, why is this an important detail?
What is "God is the one who created everything, therefore whenever there is a glitch in how the world views something (e.g. creation vs evolution), we can always trust that God's way is the right.