# of ELA teachers at OBM
Day of the week (& frequency) Mrs. Z comes to our class
Every other Thursday
Name of clock person at basketball game
Mr. Yane
Name of Ms. Tysk's high school & graduation year.
Norwin Knights / 2014
Tamika Norfleet
# of desks in 804
Most likely to be told to lower his volume (A1)
Brody or Max
Time in a basketball quarter
Ms. Tysk's middle name.
What is the name of the lead custodian?
Mr. Steve Shelton
List all 6 sports teams displayed throughout the classroom (NOT back bulletin teams or OBM).
Pirates, Penguins, Steelers, Panthers, Chants, Knights
Most likely to be out of his seat (A2)
Name of assistant boys basketball coach
If Ms. Tysk wanted to vent/complain to someone at OBM, it would be....
Ms. Delaney
Year OBM opened.
Name of tiny chair by Ms. Tysk's desk.
Chair of Shame.
# of total students in A1-A2
Stingray's debut game (football)
Myrtle Beach
Ms. Tysk's favorite soda.
Sprite Zero
What is OBM's address?
905 International Drive, 29579
List the 3 kitchen appliances Ms. Tysk has in 804.
Coffee pot, fridge, toaster (hidden)
Most likely to leave an item that belongs to them in Ms. Tysk's room (name either A1 or A2)
A1 - Ryan T.; A2- Evan Y.
Who did OBM play when the bus for the cheerleaders was late (football)?
How did Ms. Tysk break her leg?
Fell out of bed.