Finish the sentence, your.....
What is my favorite TV show?
Friends, duh
Do i eat meet, yay or nay
When is my birthday?
Feb 21
Finish the sentence, no.....
What is my favorite Dear Evan Hansen song?
Trick question, they are all amazing!
What is my favorite food?
Vegetable ramen
What is my middle name?
I could not think of another question so you get free points.
Gale or Peeta?
Neither, Finnick!
What food do I hate?
What are my cats names
Texas and Mini
I could not think of another question so you get free points.
good for you
Who is my favorite character on Greys Anatomy?
Mark Sloan or Christiana Yang
What do I get on my burrito at Chipotle?
Rice, pico de gallo, corn, cheese, lettuce, gucacamole
How many scrunchies do I own?
What word makes me cringe?
Who is my celebrity crush?
Timothee Chalamet
What fruit would I eat all the time as a young child?
What is my favorite item of clothing?
The jeans with the ripped cuffs