This legendary disables all boss blinds
This boss blind lets you play only 1 hand
The Needle
This consumable copies the last planet or tarot card you used
The Fool
This deck gives you one additional hand
Blue deck
This stake gives you one less discard
Blue stake
You need 16 enhanced cards for this joker to give x3 mult
Drivers Liscense
This boss blind makes all cards played before debuffed
The Pillar
This spectral card gives you a rare joker but sets your money to 0
This deck has you start with the telescope voucher and 1 less consumable slot
This tag allows you to create up to two common jokers
This Jokers gives 250 chips for each hand played but the player loses 2 hand size
This Boss Blind sets your money to 0 if you play your most played hand
The Ox
This card takes off 25% on all cards and packs in shops
Clearance Sale
This deck only gives you spades and hearts
What style does the MEGA on card packs mimic?
The Metallica logo
This joker gives 10 mult for if the hand contains a flush
Droll Joker
This boss blind makes you lose a hand size
The manacle
This Planet Card levels up four of a kind
With this deck, defeating a boss blind gives you a tag
In the Demo Version, this deck has the player start with one Joker
This joker gives 50 chips when your hand contains a pair
Sly Joker
This boss blind flips and shuffles all jokers
Amber Acorn
This voucher sets you back one ante but takes one discard away from you
This deck gives you one more joker slot but one less hand
Black deck
This voucher is only available in certain demo releases of the game, in which the spawns the players most used tarot or planet card if the player had room