What is my favorite Netflix TV Show?
Miraculous Ladybug
What drink do I prefer other than Coca-Cola?
What instrument do I play?
What is my favorite color?
navy blue
Would I say tomato is a fruit or a vegetable
It's a vegetable duhh
Which movie do I hate with my whole soul?
What school food do I absolutely obsess over and would kill someone else over if they stole some?
Mashed potatoes
Who here have I known the longest?
Emily Ambrose
What color do I own the most of in my closet?
What is my favorite book I have ever read? There are 2 right answers...bonus points if you can guess both
Twisted Hate and Powerless
Who is my all-time favorite Hollywood actor or actress?
Kevin Heart
What is my comfort food?
Ramen Noodles
What job do I want to get..bonus points for specifics
What is engraved on my necklace that I never take off?
A heart with a D inside
What book do I absolutely hate, like what to rip page by page and would take absolute delight in doing so? There are 2 right answers
Sav can only guess one
Haunting Adeline and Den of Vipers
What is a show I can watch over and over again and never get tired of?
Bonus points for my favorite character...
Lego Ninjago
What is one fast food chain that I have always wanted to try?
Raising Canes
What age did I move to the U.S. from India?
What is the shape of my ring that I would always loose but somehow eventually find?
a butterfly
What is my Starbucks order? 50 bonus points if you can guess what I add extra on.
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap
bonus: extra whip
Who is my favorite Indian actress?
Internet is allowed..
Pooja Hegde
What fast food would I get if I am feeling disgusted with myself
Which city did I live in before I lived in Victoria?
Eden Prairie
What is my favorite trait in a friend?
their loyalty
Which fictional man is my type? There is only one right answer to this one...I can be persuaded for another man in the same series
Aaron Warner
persuaded??: KENJI KISHIMOTO