Getting Started/First Steps
Time, Energy,& Money
Writing and Speaking
Fontenot's Favorites

This person helps you to create a class schedule and makes sure that you are taking the right classes to meet your goals.

What is an academic advisor


The habit of delaying something that needs your immediate attention.

what is procrastination


Taking another person's ideas or work and presenting them as your own.

What is plagiarism


These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

What are Smart Goals


My favorite principal of all time would stand in the halls with his speaker saying "Don't waste your mind or your..."

What is time


This lists the courses you need to take and complete in your program of study to graduate with a degree

what is an academic ( educational) plan


Putting your tasks, goals, and values in order of importance.

What is prioritize


A reference that enables a reader to locate a source based on the information such as author's name, title of work, and the publication date.

What is a citation


People with this mindset believe that their abilities can be improved. They can learn anything.

What is the growth mindset


If you're going to eat an elephant you must do it in?

What is pieces (steps, bites)


Our academic adviser for this class is..

Who is Vanessa Lopez


Creating this will help you to live within your means, put money into savings, and possibly invest down the road

 What is a budget


Used to enhance presentations. Can be a Prezi, PPT, Pictures, etc.

What is a Visual Aid


What is the online assessment that helps students identify their natural preferences towards careers? It matches their personality with potential career choices.

What is the Achieve Works/Do What You Are (DWYA) Personality Assessment


According to the text-THE most important skill a student will need to learn in college is the ability to continue... 

What is Learning


The ability to recognize, understand, use, and manage emotions--moods, feelings, and attitudes

what is emotional intelligence


This shows important dates that are specific to your campus: financial aid, registration, add/drop deadlines.

What is an academic calendar


According to the Steps of Successful Speaking..When putting together a speech, who should be considered first?

What is the audience/listeners


*In no way related to intelligence* This results from neurological disorders which may cause difficulties for some students academically. 

What is a Learning Disability


What University did Ms. Fontenot Graduate from?

What is the University of Houston


Going beyond one's mental or physical ability, taking action even when things are difficult displaying perseverance, passion, and resilience even in the face of challenges. 

what is GRIT


This is renewable, each one of us has a limited amount of it in a 24 hour day. Sleep deprivation greatly affects this.

What is Energy


What does the I stand for according the G.U.I.D.E way of speaking?

What is Idea(s)


This is the desire inside yourself to make things happen and the internal reward is the feeling you get inside when you achieve it--like nurses wanting to help others

what is intrinsic motivation


What does Ms. Fontenot say is on the other side of challenges?

What is GROWTH