High School
Legislative Advocacy

An assigned campus liaison that supports the management of the campus program and communicating with the national office

What is a High School Advisor


IGNITE trains the next generation of voters to build their knowledge and skill sets to engage in the civic process

What is Civic Engagement?


Training on the function of public boards and commissions in your community and how to get appointed

What is Boards and Commission Training?


A comprehensive resource for students that outlines best practices for recruiting and sustaining IGNITE College chapters

What is a College Chapter Toolkit?


A cross-functional team comprising departmental leaders (Operations, Marcomms, Programs, and Development) who collaborate to enhance the fellowship program

What is the Fellows Support Squad?


Introductory opportunities for school sites to engage with IGNITE

What is a High School Workshop?


A 3-4 hour training on how to  mobilize your community to register, vote,  and increase the engagement of their communities

What is Organizing Bootcamps?


Training series for prospective candidates on every aspect of running a campaign

What is RUN NOW?


Nationally led training for college students on how to sustain and build campus programming

What is the National College Council?


A leadership development growth track for up to four fellows who are ready to deepen their management and leadership skills.

What is the Fellows Leadership Cohort (FLC)?


Student-led programs at a school site

What is a High School Club?

A campaign to mobilize and register first-time voters across America that is rooted in voter education, voter mobilization, and a digital strategy

What is IGNITE the Vote?


1-3 day Regional and national convenings that provide political skills training, policy discussions, roundtable lunch discussions with elected women, and keynote addresses from prominent political leaders

What is Young Women Run Conference?


College women organize chapters on their campuses to normalize and build political and civic participation among their peers.

What is a College Chapter?


Scheduled mentorship sessions for fellows featuring informational interviews with accomplished women leaders from diverse professional backgrounds

What is Team Time with Mentors?


School-sponsored programs at a school site where IGNITE partners with school sites and/or community-based organizations to deliver curriculum

What is a High School Chapter?


A multi-series training that will provide you with the tools and resources to become a powerful changemaker and community leader

What is Activate Your Advocacy Bootcamps?


An initial training session delivered by fellows, spanning 1 to 1.5 hours. It introduces participants to one of the National bootcamp topics such as Boards and Commissions, Campaign Staffer, or Community Organizing.

What is Trainings 101?


Increase accessibility to all young women in our communities (NOT PART OF THE 23-24 STRATEGY)

What is a Community Council?


A politically ambitious college-aged people, who over a year hone their organizing abilities and develop key political leadership skills training their peers on college campuses

What is a fellow?


A guide to launch and deliver a student-led club on campus

What is a High School Toolkit?


IGNITE trains young women to advocate for issues they care most about and to join youth-driven campaigns across the country.

What is Legislative Advocacy?


One day or a series of training sessions to collectively advance women’s careers in the political arena

What is National Bootcamps?


A community of politically motivated and ambitious women leaders who want to build their own leadership skills and bring the IGNITE program to their college campuses

What is a College Council (local/regional)?


Convenings that bring together fellows and staff to hear diverse views, org updates, and regional highlights

What is Fellows Town Hall?