What is my least favorite meal?
Orange Chicken
What are the names of my best friends?
Raegan, Ashley
True or Faluse
Was the frist time I did a roundoff back handspring with Coach, V?
Whens my birthday?
June 18 2011
When is Winnies BirthDay?
If amelia said Pie day then it counts for her.
March 14
What is my favorite fruit?
Strawbarries, watermelon, or cantalope
Who is my favorit game show host?
Steve Harvey
What spot am I using when it comes to stunting?
What is my zodiac sign?
What contry do we live in?
The USA!!!!!!!!!!!
What is my go-to snack?
Chips, chocolate, carrots, or fruit
Name 1 of my favorite actors.
The Rock, Kevin Hart, Zendaya, Adam Sandler
What is my favorite tumbling skill I can do?
Round off back handspring, or Back walkover back handspring
What's my favorite place for vacation?
(Favorite vacation we have been on)
Florida or tennsee
What is 7+7?
What is my favorit place to get pizza?
Who is my favorit person that works at bednarcik?
Mr, Bowers
How many kartwheels have i don in a row before?
About 20-30
What do i want to be when I grow up?
K-9 trainer
What state was Winnie born in?
South Carolina
What is my favorit candy.
Nerdclusters, 100 grand, twix
Whats The Rocks middle name?
dwayne douglas johnson
Have i throun a roundoff Back Handspring at a competition before?
What is my favorite animal?
Dog, sloth, or elaphint
Do i like Social studes or Math more?
Social Studes.