Other Video Games
(Official) D&D (No Homebrew)
Random (NSFW)

What is my favorite Pokemon?
Bonus(100): Why are they my favorite?

I had a Mantyke plushy as a child, and I took it everywhere and slept with it, my manatee plushy, my penguin carebear plushy, a little white blanket we called my lovie, a small blue blanket one of my relatives made for me when I was born, and a pillow with my name my grandma made for me when I was like 6. I slept with all of them every night and they went on every trip with me. However I went to Seaworld once for my birthday and we stayed in a hotel in San Diego. When we got back I couldn't find Mantyke anywhere. We searched for hours, with no luck. That made me realize how much I loved Mantyke.


What series do I always get 100% on whenever I get now?
Bonus(100) if you name one that I didn't think of while making this.



What is my favorite animal?
Bonus(100): Why are they my favorite? 

Manatees, they used to be at Seaworld. When I went for my birthday one year, they were gone. That's when I realized how much I missed them and that they were my favorite.


What is my favorite class?



How did I get a scar at work?

I grabbed a ball deep in a bush.


What is my favorite Pokeball?

Dive Ball!


What was the first game I remember playing and loving on a computer?
Bonus(100-200): What important thing came out of this and how did it come about?

Club Penguin. My first username; Pete1125. Pete was a neopet penguin Hannah and I had, therefore the penguin was named Pete with 1125 since it's my birthday


There have been several occasions where I dragged one or more of my family members somewhere just so I could see an animal.
Bonus (100/per) Name an additional one of those animals. 

Georgia Aquarium: Whale Shark.
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Mola Mola.
Also Monterey Bay: Deep Sea Animals.
San Diego Safari Park: Platypus.


Name one of my favorite species to play as (that I have played as)

Changeling, Aasimar


How many times did I have to climb onto a roof (or roof-like structure) at work?



What are my 3 most favorite Pokemon games?

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Conquest, & Ranger Guardian Signs.


What was the first game I bought on a PC to play with friends?

Minecraft. Yep, I'm basic.


Name one of the rarest animals I've seen live and in person.
Bonus (100/per) for each additional one you name.

Kingfisher, Snailfish, unnamed jellyfish, Predatory Tunicate, & Spotted Ratfish


What was the first character I played in my first campaign that lasted more than 2 sessions.

Korren, Warlock Great Old One (who switched to Blade when it came out)


What's my favorite incident that occurs at work that would definitely lead to a lot of paper work if I got hurt doing it?

Animal catching! I've had to get 3 birds out of the bathrooms (One I had to actually catch), move a rabbit off the track (Poor thing was injured), and catch many, many lizards that got inside.


What was the first shiny I ever saw?
Bonus(100): What game was it in?

In Diamond Version!
(I didn't catch it...then my DS died...and I had to redo Mt.Moon...)


I walked into the game section of Walmart after getting my first DS. I looked up and saw a game, and I play that series to this day. What game was it?
Bonus(100). Name other games from my childhood (that aren't pokemon) that I have core memories of.

Kirby Super Star Ultra!
DS: Fossil Fighters, some SpongeBob game.
Gameboy: Dora, Shark Tales, and star wars game boy games.
Phone: Dragonvale. flash games: some fish aquarium game, some game where you led ants to grow their colony and defeat other bugs.


What are my 3 most favorite fish?

Mola Mola, Whaleshark, and Coelacanth


Name the species, class, and Subclass of at least two characters I played in a campaign for more than one session (excluding any from other questions).
Bonus(100/per): For each additional one you can name. 

Ardyn Aeramirus, Grave Cleric Aasimar. Lævateinn, Eladrin Beast Master. Lyron de Vellius III, changeling Bard/Wizard (transmutation). Rhyolite of the Dome, Tabaxi Open Hand Monk. Robin, Tortle Moon Druid. Ashley Valentine Ordelia, Valor Bard Battle Master Fighter. Micaiah Serenastra, Star Druid Pallid Elf. Cecilia Noct, Var. Human Twilight Cleric. Ophelia, Pallid Elf Chronurgy Wizard. Almond Vessica, Stout Halfling Berserker Barbarian. Rinea Ismaire Altina, Mark of Sentinel Air Genasi Ancients Paladin Genie Warlock.


What's the worst thing I had to deal with at work?

Mud + Inclement Weather. Inclement means noise that drives my sound sensitivity haywire and mud grosses me out so bad.


What was my first starter I ever picked?
Bonus(100): What game was it in? 

In Pearl Version!
I didn't end up finishing it because I started playing Diamond with Turtwig a few days later.


Name at least 3 of the games I got the day I got my first DS.
Bonus(100): What date (excluding year) did I get it?

Diamond, Pearl, Mystery Dungeon Blue, some SpongeBob game.


Name as many animals as you can that I want to see but haven't/can't because there are no live ones on display anywhere (to my knowledge).
Bonus(100/per): Every 2 you can name.

Coelacanth, Glaucus Atlanticus, Blue Whale, Giant Squid, Colossal Squid, Sea Pig, Vaquita, Oarfish, Ruby Sea Dragon, you get the gist.


What was my favorite bit I ever made as a DM?

The Bugbears who couldn't get along, Bar, Jar, and Gar <3


What's the most "dangerous" thing I've ever done at work?

Stand on a swivel chair.