choose another one
sorry teach
Fav movie?
Pirates of the carribean 1 2 3 4 5
how many besties do I have?
What team do I support?
what is the place I always say I want to go back to?
New York or New Jersey
trick question!
I don't like animals!
what show am I currently watching?
Modern Family
what three jerseys do I have?
Brazil Neymar
Portugal Ronaldo
Real Madrid
beaches, mountains, or cities?
childhood show
Hannah Montana
biggest fear?
The ocean
Which player got me interested in soccer?
Who is Neymar
I always wanted to visit this place
The Caribbean
What language in the future do I plan on learning?
Arabic or Russian
What jersey do I really want?
Manchester United or PSG
what continent do I really want to visit
music genre
Pop; Hip-Hop
what type of cuisines do I least like (2 of them)
Asian and Indian
In 1958, this 17-year-old Brazilian became the youngest player to score in a World Cup final, later winning three World Cups in his career.
Who is Pelè