What is My legal name?
Oleksandra Yatsenko
What was the fandom I first entered?
Gravity Falls
what job do I want to have now
Marine biologist
Did I ever want to be a musician?
Yes, part time
Which youtuber am I addicted to but also know did something bad.
SSSniperwolf ( transphobic jokes)
What was my nickname when I first came to America?
What is the fandom I always I always return to?
Bonus- What is the game?
bonus- Doki Doki Litature club
What job did I want since 2018?
disney animator/ storyboard artist
What was the name of the band that never happened?
Purely Bad
which celeb do I HATE
Charlie d'apoopyo
What was my nickname when another Alex came into the class. (Grade 2)
What fandom made me keep the oc?
did I ever consider an acting career
What was the first song that never debut?
Purly Bad ( the into to the band
Which celeb do I LOVE
What is the name of my FNAF oc?
What is the cringiest fandom I was in?
did I want to join a drama club?
Kind of
How many stories have I finished?
Which celeb that I love is excepecting a baby?
What is the name of my first ever gacha studio story? ( It was never recorded)
The rainbow 5
The characters were: ???,???, Draco (like from itsfunneh), and Alex (Me! :D)
yes the last one was the actual name
Which phase cam first softie or copy and paste?
What pet do I want in the future?
A cat
How many first chapters have I written for books?
too many
How old is Piper Rockelle?