What year was NSBE Founded?
What is 1975
What college was the first convention held at?
Purdue University
What does C.A.S.H stand for
What is the cost of to become a national member?
When are our NSBE meetings?
Every 2nd Sunday from 2:45pm-5:30pm
What is the nickname of the founders of NSBE?
The Chicago Six
What region is our NSBE in?
Region 2
What are the NSBE colors?
Green, Black, Red, and Yellow
What does S.T.E.M. stand for?
Science, technology, engineering, and math
What University was NSBE founded?
Where is Purdue Univerisity
What does NSBE stand for?
National Society of Black Engineers
Who are 2 of our chapter advisors?
Ms. Rhonda, Mr. Kevin, or Mrs. Tonya
NSBE was founded to
Where is the National convention for 2025?
Chicago, Illinois
What is the NSBE mission Statement?
to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community
What NSBE event is hosted in the spring.
NSBE National Convention
Who are our chapter Secretary and VP Operations?
Charese and Jessica.
How many regions do we have?
What is 6
any 3 that are correct
(ten80, Kidwind, TMAL, Mathcounts, First LEGO, etc.)
How many people founded NSBE?
When was the CASH NSBE JR CHAPTER founded?
What is our region's chant?
In what month was the NSBE Fall Conference held in 2024?
What are two other states that are in the same region as us?
Name any 2 that are correct.