Where does your lunch go when you get to school?
In the lunch box basket or area in your classroom
What is resiliency? (Being resilient)
Acceptable responses:
Not giving up
Continuing to try when things are hard
Good attitude toward learning
Being willing to try harder or try different strategies
True or False: You are allowed to swing your arms around when walking in the hall as long as you don't hit any little kids.
True or False: You can blurt out a question while your teacher is teaching as long as it is a really important question.
You must raise your hand and get permission before asking a question
How many breakfasts are students allowed to get during the breakfast period?
When I start counting down from 5 to 1, what should you do?
Stop talking and listen for instructions
How loud are you supposed to talk when walking in the hall?
0% loud! You are not supposed to talk at all.
What 2 main things do you take to each class?
Who makes your choices for you?
Each student makes his/her own choices!
What should you do when you are done eating breakfast or (or when breakfast is over)?
Clean up after yourself
Other acceptable answers: Throw away your trash, wipe down your table if it is sticky or messy, get permission to throw your trash away
What is the document called that all students in a class sign to show that they agree to uphold certain rules and procedures?
Social contract
Which side should you always walk on in the hallway?
On the right side, just like if you were driving a car on a street.
What two things should you be doing when the teacher is talking?
1. Looking at the teacher
2. Listening/not talking
Bouncing and throwing sports equipment
Name one thing you are allowed to do during breakfast:
- eat at your desk
- talk quietly with your neighbor
- read or work on morning meeting task the teacher gives you
Name all three class tenets:
How do you know where to stand in the line?
In the order your teacher put you in on the first day. (Mrs. Caldwell's is ABC order)
Name at least 3 things you should always have in your binder:
Possible answers:
Pencil pouch
Dry erase pouch
Section or folder for each subject
Name 2 consequences that might happen if you choose not to follow classroom procedures.
Acceptable answers:
Teacher calls the parent
Sign BMP
Lose Dojo point
Miss all or part of recess
Office referral (write-up)
If you are late to school, does that mean you don't get to eat breakfast?
No, it doesn't. You can still eat one of the breakfasts, but you should hurry so you can get caught up on what the class is doing.
Give at least two ways to show respect to your teacher or classmates:
At least 2 of the following:
Raise your hand/don't interrupt
Show kindness
Follow rules and procedures
Treat others how you want to be treated
Don't say or do mean things to others
Speak respectfully
What are the four "S's" of lining up and walking in the hall?
What is the reason we use hand signals?
It is a way to save time. The teacher can see what the student needs and quickly let them know what they are allowed to do without wasting time or interrupting class.
What is the difference between a natural consequence and a logical consequence?
Natural - something that happens naturally when you make unwise choices (like being cold at recess because you wore shorts in the winter)
Logical - a consequence that someone (like a teacher or the principal) put in place to help you make good choices (sometimes called "getting in trouble")