River's Favorites
River's Least Favorites
She did WHAT?!
In Her Perfect World
River's Feelin' Dreamy

What is River's favorite color, and WHY is this her favorite color?

Blue, because it's a "boy's" color, and hangin' with the boys feels nice :)  


What is River's least favorite color, and why?

Purple, because it was Conner's favorite color (Conner was River's first "boyfriend", and he wasn't a very good one)


When River was about 9 years old, she got a treble fish hook stuck in her leg.  How was it removed?

She opted to have it ripped out ('on the count of three'!) by the Dr., WITHOUT numbing agents or pain meds!! 


In River's perfect world, the climate would always consist of what two weather elements? 

Wind and rain


How many children does River want, and in what order?

2.  A boy, then a girl. 


What is River's favorite type of weather, and why?

Rain, because her mother can't charge her with any outdoorsy work during the rain. 


Of the following, which does River like/not like?

Bacon     Root beer     

Oranges     Sushi     Popcorn

Likes: Sushi, Root Beer

Dislikes: Bacon, Oranges, Popcorn


During her freshman year, River was enrolled in her high school's musical theater class.  What well-known storybook character did River play in the Spring Showcase?

Peter Pan (she wore the green tights and everything)


River says that boys look better when wearing this form of make-up.  

Eye liner


Which does River feel best suited for: the country, suburbia, or the city? 



What is River's favorite season of the year, and why?

Autumn, because it is our rainy season. 


What is River's least favorite season of the year, and why?

Spring; the weather is perfect for Mom's outdoor chores


During her freshman year, River was enrolled in her high school's musical theater class.  During the Spring Showcase, River stepped on stage and performed a dance routine with her class with something gone wrong with her attire.  What was wrong with River's attire?  

Her pants were on BACKWARDS!

What cinematic universe would River opt to live in?

(ie: If River could jump into a movie and live in THAT world, what world/movie would that be?)

that of the Avengers


River's choice vehicles are the foxy convertible, the tough-guy pickup truck, and the Jeep Wrangler.  Place them in the order of her preference.  

Jeep > Convertible > Pick-up truck


What is River's favorite drink to order at DD?

(Medium) mocha cappuccino with a shot of espresso


What is River's greatest fear/phobia?

Fear of being helpless


For two years in a row, River performed in the Flagler County Talent Show.  Name the songs and/or the artist whose songs River sang.  

Taylor Swift: 1) You Belong With Me  2)Mean


If River could choose a superpower, what would it be and why?

Strength, so she could whoop up on the fellas. 


Where does River plan to live as an adult? 

Right here in good ol' Palm Coast area :)


What has been River's favorite song since the 9th grade?

I Don't F@*! With You, by Big Sean (with the small vocabulary)


What was River's least favorite grade (K-12), and why?

5th Grade. 

River had two teachers, who gave River the heebee geebies.  


Name the three sports that River has participated in.  

Cheer, Flag football, Gymnastics


There are two crimes that River has thought a little too much about.  What are they?

Breaking and entering (an old abandoned place)



If River's family were no longer in central Florida, where would River like to move? 

North Carolina