Who is JDF?
Who bakes the best treats?
Who is Karyna?
"Meditation Monday will be starting in five minutes"
Who is kayla?
Teacher with a cat tattoo
who is Jen?
"are you okay?"
Who is CZ?
"No mom. No mom."
Who is ER?
Person with the best British accent.
Who is Rob?
The father of two emos
Who is Abbey?
Teacher who is in a bowling league
Who is Ariel?
"i want to watch a show. brainy baby. brainy baby."
Who is KW?
Who is JT?
The nicest TA.
Who is Sylvia?
Creekside would not be able to run without this person.
Who is Sandye?
Teacher who blasts country music after school
Who is Sam?
"not mad. not mad?"
Who is SH?
Who is KS?
The Halloween Queen
Who is Breana?
Employee who has worked at Creekside the longest.
Who is Rita?
Who is CC?
Wonder wall is this student's anthem
Who is DD?
"go home. white car. pink backpack. hygiene."
Who is GW?
Got his glasses broken by a student.
Who is Chris?
Noe's twin
Who is Connie?
Teacher by day, unicorn by night
Who is celeste?
"can i go to the YMCA on sunday?"
Who is CM?