What is Silas’ fav color
Does Silas sleep with a room mate or alone?
What school does Silas go to?
Orangewood Christian school
what sport did Silas play last year?
How old is Silas Dad?
Silas’ favorite fast food restaurant.
Cracker Barrel
Where Silas’ Mom's side of the family is from
Coral Springs
What does Silas want to be when he grows up?
An engineer
What does Silas’name actually mean?
God Of the forest?
How many teeth has Silas lost so far?
Silas’ favorite sit-down restaurant
Chic Fila- bc they have a play area
Trick question
Where is Silas’s dad side of the family from?
What is Silas’s favorite animal?
How many cousins does Silas have?
What is Silas favorite snack
Nutella cookies
Favorite Movie:
inside out 2
What is Silas’ teacher’s name
Mrs Maisonett
What is Silas‘favorite show?
Wild Kratts
What is the name of Silas’s one and only cute brother
What is Silas’favorite song?
Holy forever
What time was Silas born?
6:05 am
What is Silas’s favorite outdoor activity?
Does Silas like math or geography better?
What is Silas’s shoe size?
What is Silas afraid of?
Heights, why does sheel continue to throw throw him up into the air?