This name is the Bride's middle name.
What is Alana?
This person is the Bride's celebrity crush.
Who is....
Ross Lynch (+300) / Dave Franco (+200) / Harry Styles (+100) / Timothee Chalamet?
The Bride's first job.
What is working at the library? (+100 Shaker Main Library)
This is where the Bride and Groom met.
What is Pharmacy School? (+200 Orientation)
This is the Bride's favorite NON-physical feature of herself.
What is her ability to make friends easily?
This show is the Bride's Guilty Pleasure TV show.
What is Scooby Doo?
Country the Bride would travel to if she could go anywhere in the world.
What is Italy?
The Bride's zodiac sign.
What is Libra?
This is the Bride's favorite physical feature on herself.
What is her smile?
This number is the number of books the Bride read in 2024.
What is 43?
This type of car is the car the Bride learned to drive on.
What is stick shift? (+200 Volkswagen Passat)
Bride's guilty pleasure food.
What is ice cream? (+500 Yummy Goodie Pie)
Bride's confirmation name.
What is Joan?
This celebrity would be the Bride's celebrity bestie.
Who is Jesse Eisenberg?
This is the time the Bride has been the drunkest she's ever been.
What is Nick and Bailey's wedding or sophomore year SAAC semi?
This is the Bride's favorite subject.
What is O Chem?
Bride's shoe size.
What is 91/2 or 10?
If the Bride were to be a demigod in Percy Jackson, this Greek Goddess would be her parent.
Who is Athena?
This is the kitchen utensil the Bride would be if she were a kitchen utensil.
What is a toaster oven?
This is the Bride's worst habit.
What is playing with/picking at her skin?