Year I moved to Mansfield
What is 2009
What is Ed Sheeran
My dream school for the longest time
What is Brown University (rip)
Favorite Netflix show
What is Young Royals
Who do I get mixed up with a lot
What is Tivienne
The name of my favorite stuffed animal
What is Teddy
One game I played during Covid
What is Minecraft
What is Roblox
The class with my worst grades (out of all 4 years)
What is geometry
How many movies have I watched this year
What is 45 movies (subject to change)
My number one song right now
What is Madhouse by Matt Maltese
Color of my room before I changed it
What is teal
My favorite and least favorite teacher (yes it's one person)
What is Ms.Jackson (god bless her soul)
How many fine arts credits do I have
What is 5 credits
How long have I been doing technical theatre
What is 5 years
Which teacher(s) do I tell everything to
What is Ms.Cook and Mr.Martin
what made me scared of birds
What is the shower incident
How did I break my wrist
What is the monkey bars
How many friend groups have I been in since freshman year (bonus if you can name them)
What is 4
Tortilla hates/grills
Sleepie Snoopies
"Happy Birthday Vivian"
Position(s) I played in volleyball
What is libero and DS
My favorite saying
What is "or something like that"
will also accept "what the heck" and "oh rats!"
The first friend I made in elementary school
What is Daniella
The one thing I got in trouble for in middle school
What is plagiarism on part of a science project
My best ACT score (subject-wise and bonus if you can guess the score)
What is English with a 33
My favorite past time activity
What is sleeping
The next concert I am going to (bonus for a specific day)