What state is Grace originally from?
Where does Grace work?
MD Anderson
What sport did Grace go D1 for at Rice?
What town in Grace originally from?
Santa Clarita
What is Grace's current occupation?
Data Coordinator
What residential college was Grace in?
What breed of dog is Kora?
What highschool did Grace go to?
Stevenson Ranch
What does Grace want to be when she grows up?
What year did Grace go to the Junior Olympics and what did she place?
2013, 10th
What sport did Grace participate in (other than track lol) in High school?
What did Grace orignally want to be when she was younger?
What were the names of Grace's freshman year OWeek parents?
Dylan, Robbie, Alexandra
What car did Grace drive in highschool? (say the color too)
Red Jeep Wrangler
What artifact does Kora have now from Grace's late grandma that was retrieved from their burnt house?
lil pink bunny
How long has Grace technically been working at MDA for?
4 years
What famous basketball player was Grace talking to in her freshman year at Rice and what team does he play for?
What's Grace's highschool ex bf name?