Who was the fire lord before Ozai?
Why did someone kill Kya (Katara's mother)?
They thought she was the last water bender.
Who is the person who left her family to join the team avatar?
How Many Different Types Of Known Bending Arts Are There?
6 (Water, Earth, Metal, Fire, Air, Energy)
Who is combustion man?
An assassin sent by Zuko to kill Aang.
Why did Ursa leave?
She was banished for poisoning Azulon.
What is Katara's grandmother's name?
Finish this sentence: "My ________!"
Which Of Aang's Former Friends Did He Assume The Name Of In The Episode "The Headband"?
What's the order of the avatar cycle?
Fire, Air, Water, Earth
How many sisters does Ty Lee have?
Who Does Katara Send a Letter to at the end of "The Runaway"?
Toph's parents
Which White Lotus Members Helped Liberate Ba Sing Se in Book Three?
Iroh, Bumi, Jeong Jeong, Pakku, Piandao
Which air temple is Aang from?
Southern air temple.
Iroh's favorite tea is . ..
How many kids does Zuko have and their names?
1, Izumi who is the current fire lord
What are the names of the ocean and moon spirits?
Tui and La
When King Bumi meets Team Avatar with the Order of the White Lotus, who is he concerned about being missing?
Which chakra does Aang fail to open?
Thought chakra
Who is Jin?
A girl Zuko goes on a date with, in the tales of ba sing se episode.
Why did Zuko and Mai break up?
They broke up because Zuko kept so many secrets and he kept visiting Ozai. Ozai kept messing with his head and Zuko starting acting out.
Aang and Sokka Climb a Volcano to Find What Plant in Book One?
Panda Lilly
How much money in ransom did the Boulder and Xin Fu ask Toph's parents for her safe return?
500 gold pieces
This character would be able to tell you a lot about chakras.
What Does Momo Give Wan Shi Tong in Order to Enter His Library?