Interesting Numbers
Important Math Days
Math Formulas
Math Quiz!

Who is known as the "Father of Geometry"?

Euclid is known as the "Father of Geometry."


What is the smallest perfect number (numbers which are equal to the sum of their factors (excluding themselves)?

The smallest perfect number is 6


When is Pi Day?

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th annually, and is also known as International Day of Mathematics since November, 2019.


What is LOS (Law of Sines) Formula?


The numbers 2 , 3 , 5 and x have an average equal to 4. What is x?

x = 6


What ancient civilization developed the earliest known numerical system, based on a sexagesimal system?

The ancient Babylonians developed the earliest known numerical system.


What is the smallest irregular prime number?

The smallest irregular prime number is 37.


When is Women in Mathematics Day?

Women in Mathematics Day is celebrated globally on May 12th every year.


What is the formula for the surface area of a cylinder?

The formula is 

2pi r h + 2pi r².


What is the angle θ of cosθ=1/2 ?

The angle θ is 60°.


What famous mathematician, known for his work in calculus, died believing his work was unfinished, requesting that his epitaph be "Ubique"?

The famous mathematician who died believing his work was unfinished and requested "Ubique" (everywhere) as his epitaph was Carl Friedrich Gauss.


What is the Ramanujan Number?

The Ramanujan Number is 1729 - It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two different cubes in two different ways.


When was World Maths Day, a day where millions of students aged 5 to 18 across the world compete in Live Mathletics challenges, held on in 2023?

In 2023, World Maths Day was held on the 23rd of March.


What is the quadratic formula?

The quadratic formula is .


a2−b2=33, and a−b=3. What is the value of a2+b?



Who formulated the famous theorem about right triangles, which states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides?

Pythagoras formulated the famous theorem about right triangles.


What is Kaprekar constant?

A Kaprekar constant is the number 6174, a constant that arises when we take a 4-digit integer, form the largest and smallest numbers from its digits, and then subtracting these two numbers.


When is E-day, a day to celebrate the mathematical constant e (Euler's number)?

E-day is celebrated on 7th of February annually. The date is chosen from the the first two digits of the Euler’s Number.


What is the Trigonometric Ratios for Negative Angles? Talk about sin, cos, and tan.

  • sin(-θ) = -sin(θ)
  • cos(-θ) = cos(θ)
  • tan(-θ) = -tan(θ)

What is the density of a brick that occupies 310cm3 with a mass of 853g?

The density is 2.75161290323 g/cm3


In what year was the concept of zero as a number first documented?

Zero as a number was first documented around the 3rd century CE in ancient India.


What is Feigenbaum’s constant?

Feigenbaum’s constant is δ = 4.6692016…….


When is Fibonacci Day?

Fibonacci Day is celebrated on Nov. 23rd annually. The date 11/23 is selected because the digits in 11/23 makes the part of Fibonacci sequence i.e. 1, 1, 2, 3.


What is the binomial theorem?

Find abc if a,b,c are distinct prime numbers, and the following is given: 

a + b + c = 92, and ab + ba + ca = 2201

abc = 4042