Pastor's Palette
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Known as "Sus scrofa domesticus" and considered a subspecies of the wild boar, this mud-roller dare not be on Pastor's dinner plate
What is pork or pig
"I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can afford to be careless, but not men."
Zero, unless they are tailor made
What is how many jeans does Pastor owns.
The moral is, "cook on the stove"
What is "microwaves kill all nutrition and are all around evil so if you love someone and don't want them to suffer, don't use a microwave...."
The one most likely to catch the Holy Ghost during morning announcements
Who is Sister Crystal Siriano
The unseasoned combination of chicken, rice, and this canned fruit was pastor's budget friendly attempt of a dinner-time delicacy, but according to his daughter, it backfired as the most disgusting meal he has made to date; permanently scarring her for life
What are pineapples
"Three weeks from now I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so...Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity."
What is "Gladiator"
Liliam Orientalis also known as stargazer lily
What is Pastor's favorite flower.
The moral is, "you can only help someone so much..."
What is "I once knew a crackhead...."
The one wearing the striped suit, checkered shirt, dotted socks, gator shoes, paisely pocket square, and maybe soon a spinning bow-tie...
Both a modern culinary treat and a Japanese tradition dating back hundreds of y­ears, this is among pastor's favorites. Often he will resort to peer pressure tactics to get others to try it. Namely, he told Romello ________, "if you eat this, all your friends will appreciate how diverse you are". Needless to say, his children still laugh at him for bullying a 13 year
What is SUSHI
"You know what's good about no soap, you can smell a hijacker from a mile away!"
What is "The book of Eli"
A stereotypical French skunk seeking love is pastors favorite cartoon character. unfortunately his two huge turnoffs are his malodorous scent and his refusal to take 'no' for an answer..
What is "Pepe Le Pew"
Pastor believes this "natural agent" is the cure for upset stomach, chapped lips, cracked elbows, anemia, acne, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia and any other ailments you can think of.
What is WATER
The one who's volume levels may disable the ability to whisper
Who is Brother THOMAS LARRY.
Of all the fine dining establishments in Tampa, this has become Pastor's favorite go-to restaurant time and time again
What is Picadilly
Daily Double
What is "Fiddler on the Roof"
The moral is, "its not me, it's you"
What is, "there once was a man and a woman driving in the..."
The one who will always have a question during Q&A?
Who is Sister Ina Mobley
uring the Great Depression, there was a surplus of molasses and the need to provide easily made food to millions of economically depressed people in the US. One company patented this "food item" in order to deal with this economic situation, and thereby established this first "dessert" in a box. Pastor however, took the name of this dessert a little to literal.
What is Box Cake
You will often hear Pastor quote this famous line, "I'll kill'em dead"
What is The Color Purple
The one who has had a crush on Pastor the longest (long contestants answer)
Who is his daughter Careese aka try me I'm bout that life Babb